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Bing Cashback on Ebay at 10% - Silver below spot!

ProofCollectionProofCollection Posts: 6,486 ✭✭✭✭✭
Just noticed that Bing cashback is now 10% on Ebay (was 8).

So I thought I'd look and see if there were any 100oz bars, and low and behold, a JM 100oz bar was sitting there BIN $2000. 10% cashback, 2% ebay bucks, and $21 shipping, 2020 FF miles, and I've got a final cost of ~$17.80/oz... about .60 below spot image Cashback was instant!

Now's the time to load up on silver, IMO. I read that commodity pricing typically follows gold with a lag of about 4 months. That means silver is "supposed" to start really taking off toward the end of December...


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