Thank you Lord M for excellent service , the coins are superb and i'm over the moon to now be in the Lord M Wooden nickel club : ) I'll always keep that , it's cool : )
TTT for Wednesday the 17th. Today is my tenth anniversary on the forums, so be sure and go over to the Giveaway forum and enter my drawing there! Ten people will be winners!
I go in for oral surgery tomorrow morning (having my ten remaining upper teeth yanked outta my skull and gettin' a denture- joy), so if I'm not back in the next two days, you'll know I'm probably in bed, on painkillers.
TTT for the 29th. Here I am, ten teeth less, new (unpaid-for) denture in mouth, doin' OK, basically. Still spittin' a little blood, but that's probably information you could've done without, huh. (TMI, LordM, TMI.)
TTT for 9/2. Gonna try to make everything postpaid from here on out. I've been forgetting to charge most folks for shipping anyway. I figure this simplifies things. (IF I can remember to factor it into my prices- yikes!)
Many thanks for those who've bought and/or posted feedback here. 'Tis much appreciated.
Dusted off and resurrected for mid-July.
I go in for oral surgery tomorrow morning (having my ten remaining upper teeth yanked outta my skull and gettin' a denture- joy), so if I'm not back in the next two days, you'll know I'm probably in bed, on painkillers.
Will add a little bit of new stuff for the new month, when I get a chance.
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
TTT for 9/2. Gonna try to make everything postpaid from here on out. I've been forgetting to charge most folks for shipping anyway. I figure this simplifies things. (IF I can remember to factor it into my prices- yikes!)
Yogi Berra
Edit- ack! "Last night's" bump was actually in the wee hours of 9/6, so I just made a double-bump. Sorry 'bout that.
TTT for a great seller...
click to email me
ebay auctions for ronsrarecoin-com
TTT for 9/8