First time REALLY detecting since Georgia 2006!!

I went to a friend's farmland property for a couple of hours today here in New Jersey and found an 1843 large cent about 4 inches down! It was actually within the first 2 minutes of searching! I do not have pictures and I do realize that pictures are needed to seal the deal here. I personally did not find the spot, but was the one who found the coin. He is a newbie at FINDING the actual thing he is looking for. He was using a White's Prism IV, which I am really not used to. I actually could not figure out the machine for the life of me! I use a cheap Bounty Hunter ( I am actually going to buy a new Garret soon with a larger coil), which is actually the machine I have used for eight years and counting and was able to pinpoint his finding pretty easily. This place, in question, has been known as a farm for over 2 centuries. Is there some place in particular that I should really be focusing on? We found the coin near his house and near the main road, about 100 yards in either case, but the house was moved sometime in the first part of the 20th century. My question is, what should I look for? The field is very slightly rolling, but not such that I can actually tell whether there was an actual house on the property ever. Would one search the center or the edges? It is probably 250 or more acres. Any insight to what I should focus on?
Especially under old trees which are climbable and just use your imagination.
Fun, wish we had old farms here in Vegas area!
Research is the key and will help you in your searches. Once the area of interest is identified, grid the area and search methodically. Cheers, RickO
Ricko, I will definitely check ou Sanborn maps. I checked out the maps from Rutgers, but was not able to find any particular map for the site. Thanks for the recommendation!