Giveway time! UPDATE, 50th piece found today!

10/07/09 You heard it... it's official! 50th piece today... update to come shortly!
1920 SLQ. might have hit it with the shovel slightly on the obverse
. Oh well, still #50 for the year (36 coins and 14 jewelry)
Looks like grip was the closest with a guess of '47 washington!

A couple of milestones here or on the way!
First, I found my 150th wheat cent for the year. Pretty good considering my original goal was 100.
Ok, now to the giveaway. Today I found my 49th piece of silver for this year - 35 silver coins and 14 pieces of jewelry. The person who can come to closest to guessing what my 50th silver will be will get a prize. The contest will be open until I actually find my next piece of silver. So, if you think it will be a coin, you may guess "1945 merc", etc. If jewelry... maybe you say "sterling cross" etc...
If everyone is egregiously off, I'll choose a random number for the winner. I probably won't get out again until Sunday, so you have some time!
The prize will come from my "miscellaneous finds" bin, so it's most likely a piece of costume jewelry, but I'll search long and hard for the right piece!
Thanks and happy hunting!
1920 SLQ. might have hit it with the shovel slightly on the obverse

Looks like grip was the closest with a guess of '47 washington!

A couple of milestones here or on the way!
First, I found my 150th wheat cent for the year. Pretty good considering my original goal was 100.
Ok, now to the giveaway. Today I found my 49th piece of silver for this year - 35 silver coins and 14 pieces of jewelry. The person who can come to closest to guessing what my 50th silver will be will get a prize. The contest will be open until I actually find my next piece of silver. So, if you think it will be a coin, you may guess "1945 merc", etc. If jewelry... maybe you say "sterling cross" etc...
If everyone is egregiously off, I'll choose a random number for the winner. I probably won't get out again until Sunday, so you have some time!
The prize will come from my "miscellaneous finds" bin, so it's most likely a piece of costume jewelry, but I'll search long and hard for the right piece!
Thanks and happy hunting!
I'll guess a silver ring.
I'm guessing it'll be a '51 Washington quarter
Hoarding silver and collecting history