Bought sand scoup on eBay, one of my best ebay experiences

I purchased a sand scoop from eBay user metaldetect-swmo and it was a great overall experience. Great product, fast shipping, secure even though most other sellers would have probably just thrown it in a Flate Rate box with nothing else. I am 99% seller and 1% buyer on eBay. Most sellers I have purchased from are completely unremarkable but this seller was great and even threw in a nice Whites Mercury Dime card, which was a complete shock, no wonder he has 5.0/5.0 on all DSR's which is nigh impossible. I have spent HOURS/DAYS looking for coins and if I found a merc dime, it made my day.
Anyway, long post but I thought the seller was worthy of a post.
It looks like he has a great selection of everything related to MDing, so I will take a look at him first next time I am looking for something.
I am not sure if he is a member of the boards here or not.
Anyway, long post but I thought the seller was worthy of a post.

I am not sure if he is a member of the boards here or not.