spent the weekend camping at an old sporting camp site

Most of the buildings were either moved or destroyed in a heap. I can say this much, nobody lost any coins there but there were tons and tons of spent brass everywhere. I'd get a strong signal only to dig up a brass cartridge. One I found had never been fired, I figured the guy lost it in the snow or deep grass. Then I ventured out into the woods following a galvanized pipe that I thought might feed water to an outlying cabin. I lost track of the pipe after 50 yards or so then spotted an old outhouse that had been built perched over a steep embankment. It was tipping over and ready to go down the slide. The path to it and leading away had grown over with trees but there was still a faint resemblance of a well beaten path. Found a small nail and the "silvertip" of a large caliber bullet. I found a .33 caliber brass cartridge case, never heard of a .33 caliber before. Oh, I had to stop at a small general store on the way and as I approached the counter I spotted a $10 bill on the floor that had been stepped on many times as the folds were sharply creased. So aside from the good time camping all was not lost.
"If I had a nickel for every nickel I ever had, I'd have all my nickels back".
I found a folded $10 on the ground at starbucks last week
100% Positive BST transactions
Dang it. Who writes their name on their money?
.33 mags are used by snipers now. watch out next time you go...
Too many positive BST transactions with too many members to list.