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Random collector questions, trivial and/or sincere

lkeigwinlkeigwin Posts: 16,892 ✭✭✭✭✭
1) When you ship a $410 coin do you insure it for $499 since the cost's the same? Is there a benefit if you filed a claim?

2) Do you ever send cash as payment? What's the most you've sent? Ever been sorry?

3) Do you bubble-wrap coins when you're shipping in bubble wrap envelopes?

4) Do you believe in Intercept shields? Do you mail coins in them? Use them for your own prizes?

5) Do you display pricey coins at home, in spite of the risk of theft, however small?

6) Is your home safe really that safe, do you worry it might be lifted in a burglary?

7) Can you enjoy your collection fully, when it is stored in a safety deposit box?

I think the answers are mostly yes but I wonder.


  • JustacommemanJustacommeman Posts: 22,852 ✭✭✭✭✭
    1) When you ship a $410 coin do you insure it for $499 since the cost's the same? Is there a benefit if you filed a claim? Y

    2) Do you ever send cash as payment? What's the most you've sent? Ever been sorry? N

    3) Do you bubble-wrap coins when you're shipping in bubble wrap envelopes? Y

    4) Do you believe in Intercept shields? Do you mail coins in them? Use them for your own prizes? Y,Y, Y

    5) Do you display pricey coins at home, in spite of the risk of theft, however small? N

    6) Is your home safe really that safe, do you worry it might be lifted in a burglary? Y

    7) Can you enjoy your collection fully, when it is stored in a safety deposit box? Y

    Walker Proof Digital Album
    Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭
    5 - Yes... not worried about theft.
    6 - Home safe is very safe...not worried at all.
    7 - No... I need them where I can immediately get my hands on them, not someplace under someone else's control.
    Cheers, RickO
  • RYKRYK Posts: 35,797 ✭✭✭✭✭
    1) No
    2) Rarely, $10, Yes
    3) NA
    4) Yes, yes, ???
    5) No
    6) My home will not be stolen in a burglary--it is large enough that the bad guys will not be able to move it without being noticed
    7) Yes
  • 291fifth291fifth Posts: 24,420 ✭✭✭✭✭
    7. No. That's one reason why I no longer collect expensive numismatic items.
    All glory is fleeting.
  • richardshipprichardshipp Posts: 5,647 ✭✭✭

    << <i>1) When you ship a $410 coin do you insure it for $499 since the cost's the same? Is there a benefit if you filed a claim?
    ---------------- no

    2) Do you ever send cash as payment? What's the most you've sent? Ever been sorry?
    --------------- no

    3) Do you bubble-wrap coins when you're shipping in bubble wrap envelopes?
    -------------- sometimes

    4) Do you believe in Intercept shields? Do you mail coins in them? Use them for your own prizes?
    -------------- never had one

    5) Do you display pricey coins at home, in spite of the risk of theft, however small?
    ------------- no

    6) Is your home safe really that safe, do you worry it might be lifted in a burglary?
    ------------- safe and don't worry too much

    7) Can you enjoy your collection fully, when it is stored in a safety deposit box?
    ------------ yes

    I think the answers are mostly yes but I wonder.
    Lance. >>

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