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Anybody see the 2009 S DDR on Ebay?

I was looking at penny's today and seen that someone has a 2009 proof penny in an ANACS holder. The coin is PF 67 DCAM WDDR-1 and CDDR-1. This is the first one that i have seen. I am going to watch it and probally bid on it since it is the year of Lincoln and it is a proof DDR. I have looked at hundrends of cases of proof's and not found one so i am guess they are pretty hard to find.


  • 19Lyds19Lyds Posts: 26,490 ✭✭✭✭
    Its about time another one of these showed up!

    Auction Link

    Holy Shat!

    I guess that ruins my chance of selling my discovery piece for some big bucks. Maybe the Discovery label will add a little something to it when it does go up.
    I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.

    The name is LEE!
  • They appear to be EXCEEDINGLY rare, the first that I am aware of was found by our member 19Lyds (picture posted in another DDR thread - somewhere) & in THIS thread another member appears to have picked up 3 (but no pics shown yet).
  • 19Lyds19Lyds Posts: 26,490 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>They appear to be EXCEEDINGLY rare, the first that I am aware of was found by our member 19Lyds (picture posted in another DDR thread - somewhere) & in THIS thread another member appears to have picked up 3 (but no pics shown yet). >>

    Here's the thread where I announced this but nobody seemed to really care.

    Here's one that even earlier.

    Maybe I should learn to keep my mouth shut!
    I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.

    The name is LEE!

  • << <i>They appear to be EXCEEDINGLY rare, the first that I am aware of was found by our member 19Lyds (picture posted in another DDR thread - somewhere) & in THIS thread another member appears to have picked up 3 (but no pics shown yet). >>

    I know a guy picked up at least one at a detroit area show. Probably the same coin thats up for sale.

    Might bring ultra moon money as its exceedingly rare in any case. The current bid may be quite low imho for the coin.

  • << <i>
    Here's the thread where I announced this but nobody seemed to really care. >>

    Ahhhh, there's the thread!! I hunted for it a couple times before with no success (there are so many threads) but I did find one where your pic was reposted in another DDR thread (after it made Wexler's site, I think??). I would say that is a HUGE find!! I am guessing that Mint Set Inspectors were probably on the ball & replaced most "defective" coins (and made sure the die was changed) pretty early on when this was noticed ~ image

  • << <i>

    << <i>
    Here's the thread where I announced this but nobody seemed to really care. >>

    Ahhhh, there's the thread!! I hunted for it a couple times before with no success (there are so many threads) but I did find one where your pic was reposted in another DDR thread (after it made Wexler's site, I think??). I would say that is a HUGE find!! I am guessing that Mint Set Inspectors were probably on the ball & replaced most "defective" coins (and made sure the die was changed) pretty early on when this was noticed ~ image >>

    I wouldnt be surprised. Its been listed for quite a while on Wexler & Crawfords sites. I'm sure the guys looking through lp2 sets checked theirs. So we have 2 confirmed coins total. If they did get yanked at the mint there may be less than 500 pieces easily. I know they were pretty thorough in Detroit Banks when they hunted the Adams dollars down. They were a little late though.
    Very surprised that only 2 confirmed pieces have been found in the time these sets have been out. under 100 anyone? Will be interesting to watch for sure.
  • Im not sure if i have 1 or not.I know under 10 times mag that the length of the thumb on the upper side looks doubled and the upper side of the index finger looks doubled.
  • JimDepotJimDepot Posts: 957 ✭✭


    Pictures are not the greatest.

    4 of my 5 sets look like this.


  • So...
    Thats 6 coins total so far. Another 2-3 rumored.
    Thats taking Jim at face value that he has 4 (which I believe he does).

    Less than 10.

    Wow! Jim if you want to sell any let me know. Then again youre probably getting pm'ed like crazy. Best to see if anymore come out of the woodwork. I'm betting on extremely few.

    How long have the proof sets been out? It's been quite a while. I dont imagine any being shipped out now will be the ddr. Even Factoring in how many are still sitting latent in closets these guys STILL have a long way to even get close to the 3k estimate in coinworld. Im betting 500 to 1000 pieces maybe max (maybe as few as 200). Lottery ticket coins. If you dont think every person searching the lp2 sets hasnt looked at their proof sets also youre nuts. Well maybe not everyone just most.

    Still jim give me a shot if you decide to sell any.
  • GrumpyEdGrumpyEd Posts: 4,749 ✭✭✭

    The one is listed on ebay for $2500 image

    Better sell them while they're hot!

  • JimDepotJimDepot Posts: 957 ✭✭

    2009 CLAD PROOF SET (18-COIN) 5 $29.95 $149.75 5 units shipped on 06/04/2009


  • << <i>2009 CLAD PROOF SET (18-COIN) 5 $29.95 $149.75 5 units shipped on 06/04/2009 >>

    So you saying that the sets you got where shipped on 6/4/09 might have the proof ddr?

  • << <i>2009 CLAD PROOF SET (18-COIN) 5 $29.95 $149.75 5 units shipped on 06/04/2009 >>

    Is there a different place these sets are packaged than the bulk dealer lots? If these are scattered that only makes them better since very few will come out at any one time, with most not being found for many years. I'll see if I can get out of the seller on Ebay whether his coin came from a bulk lot or a small direct order. Dont think its going to hurt the prices on these either way too much since its fairly well certain these will be very low pop.
  • 19Lyds19Lyds Posts: 26,490 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>2009 CLAD PROOF SET (18-COIN) 5 $29.95 $149.75 5 units shipped on 06/04/2009 >>

    Is there a different place these sets are packaged than the bulk dealer lots? If these are scattered that only makes them better since very few will come out at any one time, with most not being found for many years. I'll see if I can get out of the seller on Ebay whether his coin came from a bulk lot or a small direct order. Dont think its going to hurt the prices on these either way too much since its fairly well certain these will be very low pop. >>

    My sets were shipped on 6/11/2009.

    BTW, out of 65 sets, only the one showed up. My initial order was a subscription of 15 plus another (screwup) subscription of 25 and a direct order of 10 (since my frigging subscription had not been processed). I followed that up with an order of 15 more after I found the original coin.

    No luck with the follow up orders and I've not run across any at recent coin shows or dealers inventory either.

    I expect that once folks actually start looking at these sets for DDR's that a better assessment on populations can be produced and I will not be surprised if other varieties turn up. For whatever reason, a problem existed with the creation of these dies on both business strikes and proofs.
    I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.

    The name is LEE!

  • << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>2009 CLAD PROOF SET (18-COIN) 5 $29.95 $149.75 5 units shipped on 06/04/2009 >>

    Is there a different place these sets are packaged than the bulk dealer lots? If these are scattered that only makes them better since very few will come out at any one time, with most not being found for many years. I'll see if I can get out of the seller on Ebay whether his coin came from a bulk lot or a small direct order. Dont think its going to hurt the prices on these either way too much since its fairly well certain these will be very low pop. >>

    My sets were shipped on 6/11/2009.

    BTW, out of 65 sets, only the one showed up. My initial order was a subscription of 15 plus another (screwup) subscription of 25 and a direct order of 10 (since my frigging subscription had not been processed). I followed that up with an order of 15 more after I found the original coin.

    No luck with the follow up orders and I've not run across any at recent coin shows or dealers inventory either.

    I expect that once folks actually start looking at these sets for DDR's that a better assessment on populations can be produced and I will not be surprised if other varieties turn up. For whatever reason, a problem existed with the creation of these dies on both business strikes and proofs. >>

    Interesting. Since the dealer bulk boxes i looked through had one reverse die all the way through all 20 or 22 boxes, this makes me think theres a likelyhood theres a massive bin or pile used for smaller direct orders and that would explain 4 out of 5 for Jimdepot and 1 of 50? for you. Either that or these were discovered and "policed" with a few leakers getting out.
    I do know that proof coins are QC'd very heavily compared with mint state pieces so there may in all likelihood be no other major ddr's in the proofs.
    From what I can gather a bearing in a hub press (maybe the wrong term) was worn and causing this. Supposedly it was discovered and fixed in mid june.
  • At the end of the day these will be worth maybe $10 i found 5 in 15 mint sets

  • << <i>At the end of the day these will be worth maybe $10 i found 5 in 15 mint sets >>


    PM me I'll take em for way more than that!
  • WalmannWalmann Posts: 2,806
    Missed the original thread, 3 out of 5 have this DDR on the sets I received.
  • 2009 CLAD PROOF SET (18-COIN) 4 $29.95 $119.80 4 units shipped on 06/10/2009

    ZERO in my four sets...... image
  • Hmmmm...Don't you think it's just a tad weird that forever there was a POP of 1...now in one day people are finding them in bunches....just a tad weirdimage
  • 19Lyds19Lyds Posts: 26,490 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>At the end of the day these will be worth maybe $10 i found 5 in 15 mint sets >>

    Reminds me of the time I purchased nearly 3 full rolls of BU 1971-D RDV-006 IKE Dollars. You'd think that having that many would certainlyu indicate that the coin was common and that anybody could find one.

    Think about it for just a second.

    The coins were produced from a single die. The coins are NOT tossed into a huge bin therefore sequential sets would have a high probability of having coins produced from the same die.

    The net result is that some folks will score big time while others will be left wanting. I'm betting that the "wanting" folks will far outnumber those that actually have the coins.

    Case in point?

    1968-S Proof Set No S
    1970-S Proof Set No S
    1971-S Proof Set No S
    1975-S Proof Set No S
    1983-S Proof Set No S
    1990-S Proof Set No S

    The fact that 5 were found out of 15 is to be expected and if you really feel this way, let me help you cash in at $100 per set?
    I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.

    The name is LEE!

  • << <i>

    << <i>At the end of the day these will be worth maybe $10 i found 5 in 15 mint sets >>

    Reminds me of the time I purchased nearly 3 full rolls of BU 1971-D RDV-006 IKE Dollars. You'd think that having that many would certainlyu indicate that the coin was common and that anybody could find one.

    Think about it for just a second.

    The coins were produced from a single die. The coins are NOT tossed into a huge bin therefore sequential sets would have a high probability of having coins produced from the same die.

    The net result is that some folks will score big time while others will be left wanting. I'm betting that the "wanting" folks will far outnumber those that actually have the coins.

    Case in point?

    1968-S Proof Set No S
    1970-S Proof Set No S
    1971-S Proof Set No S
    1975-S Proof Set No S
    1983-S Proof Set No S
    1990-S Proof Set No S

    The fact that 5 were found out of 15 is to be expected and if you really feel this way, let me help you cash in at $100 per set? >>

    I wonder if some of the posters really have the coins. Not trying to sling mud, but in my experience if someone is trying to buy something "on the cheap" its a good tactic to make them seem more common than they really are.
    It is strange that so many are just now being "found" since most people have a very difficult time keeping anything like this a secret at all.
    I know depot definitely has at least one and probably the 4 he says in all likelihood. 19lyds has one. Theres definitely the coin on ebay. I believe its the same guy that said he found 3 so he has 2 more. Maybe he's not the same guy and theres an additional coin. Total 3 definite with pics. 3 More I count as definite from depot. 2-3 more probables rumored. Now 8 more claimed. 16-17 total even if the 8 that I think that are a lil suspect are proven to exist.
    Not trying to ruffle feathers but I saw a similar tactic pulled a few times before big auctions. It was tried when I was looking at a 69-s dd lincoln cent at auction a couple years ago. Someone spread a rumor that a roll with a dozen examples had surfaced and the rumor was "pushed" from several sources. In the end people used their brains and figured out why the people in question would be so loose with that information.
    I think the mudslingers may have an agenda at hand. Just my opinion and something to chew on.
  • Yup....and remember the poster that could go to Walmart and get DDRs with his mac and cheese image

  • << <i>Yup....and remember the poster that could go to Walmart and get DDRs with his mac and cheese image >>

    Actually yeah. That was funny. If it was me I would have pulled one of the clerks aside or an assistant manager and made a deal with them. But thats just me. Maybe thats why I eat Mac & Cheese because I like it, not out of necessity.
  • Wolf359Wolf359 Posts: 7,656 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>They appear to be EXCEEDINGLY rare, the first that I am aware of was found by our member 19Lyds (picture posted in another DDR thread - somewhere) & in THIS thread another member appears to have picked up 3 (but no pics shown yet). >>

    I know a guy picked up at least one at a detroit area show. Probably the same coin thats up for sale.

    Might bring ultra moon money as its exceedingly rare in any case. The current bid may be quite low imho for the coin. >>

    You are kidding right?

  • << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>They appear to be EXCEEDINGLY rare, the first that I am aware of was found by our member 19Lyds (picture posted in another DDR thread - somewhere) & in THIS thread another member appears to have picked up 3 (but no pics shown yet). >>

    I know a guy picked up at least one at a detroit area show. Probably the same coin thats up for sale.

    Might bring ultra moon money as its exceedingly rare in any case. The current bid may be quite low imho for the coin. >>

    You are kidding right? >>

    Depends. Modern stuff can be home runs, base hits, or strike outs. Unless there are many dies making these coins they wont be a strikeout. Chances of that are pretty slim.

    If say 5k or 10k were made and that would be a huge stretch for a proof die then its a base hit coin. I'd say less chance then their being multiple dies which in itself is a longshot due to tons of them not being found.

    Lets say closer to the coinworld articles estimate of 3k come out. That would need the bulk of them to land in a dealers lap through a bulk order. Maybe a double there. Doesnt look like it so far.

    If only a few hundred come to light the first couple of years from now then its going to be a doghump when they come to market. There were a ton of people who did not take the 72dd seriously when it was discovered either. This market has some weird wants/desires.

    If it makes the redbook/cherrypickers think no s cents+ range for pricing. So no I dont think its out of line. It might stand a better chance of making the redbook or pickers due to their only being one variety and not 40 or whatever there is now in the ms coins. I do think the 1-13 coins have a shot at least of getting a generic ddr listing in the redbook while I'm about 80% leaning towards the proof getting mention.
  • RBinTexRBinTex Posts: 4,328
    ANACS is cleaning up on grading fees with all the 2009 ddr's.

  • << <i>ANACS is cleaning up on grading fees with all the 2009 ddr's. >>

    For now. If/when NGC and PCGS get on the bandwagon theyll start cleaning up also. A lot of the anacs coins may even get crossed if the moneys right on these coins.
  • WalmannWalmann Posts: 2,806
    Here is the best I can do for a close up of one of the three.


  • YaHaYaHa Posts: 4,220

    << <i>Here is the best I can do for a close up of one of the three.


    image >>

    Looks like you have a pic of a old hillbilly taking a dump Walt. I see nothing wrong with that.image
  • pitbosspitboss Posts: 8,643 ✭✭✭

    I have the pictures of my 2 different proof errors . I can send them to anyone who wants them, all I need is your email address, but I still can not figure out how to put the pictures on the forum.

  • << <i> Here is the best I can do for a close up of one of the three. >>

    The 1st picture is fine but......I do not see the doubling...not because of the pic but because it's not there.....

    Errrrr....edited to add: I played with your pic and, yup, I see it now

  • pitbosspitboss Posts: 8,643 ✭✭✭

    I had 2 deliveries, 3 the first time and 10 the second. They were mixed together so I don't know which lot gave me my 2 DDR's but I don't care. I will not chase the mint for more. I tried that with the 08/07 reverse and came up empty. It's off to ANACS in the morning with them.
  • pitbosspitboss Posts: 8,643 ✭✭✭

    My 2 coins are on their way to ANACS express mail 5 day service.

    I'm hoping for some good grades.
  • 19Lyds19Lyds Posts: 26,490 ✭✭✭✭
    I called ANACS first thing this morning and tried to "change" my submission to Express but got a bunch of flack about how since it is schedule to be completed on the 24th (4 days from now -- which my spidey senses say no way especially since they've yet to meet an expected "ship date" with my submissions) that if I changed it to Express it would not buy me anything but put my coin at the back of the 5 day queue for express which wouldn't finish until 7/25.

    I really didn't see the point of suggesting that perhaps they could find it and just get it into the grading room (which I'd pay the additional fees) so that I would be sure it got sent out on the 24th (at the latest).

    Its been there since the 2nd of July.

    Oh well.........
    I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.

    The name is LEE!
  • pitbosspitboss Posts: 8,643 ✭✭✭

    You are better off just waiting. They will not move any faster no matter what you do or say.
  • 19Lyds19Lyds Posts: 26,490 ✭✭✭✭
    BTW, that 909-S closed at $2600.

    I half expected it to go just a bit higher.
    I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.

    The name is LEE!
  • I just want to congratulate you few that have found the proof DDR's. I missed the boat on those myself. Good luck on your grades.
    In the time of Chimpanzee's
    I was a Monkey
  • pitbosspitboss Posts: 8,643 ✭✭✭

    We were just lucky. There is not many of them out there.
  • PapiPapi Posts: 1,189 ✭✭

    << <i>BTW, that 909-S closed at $2600.

    I half expected it to go just a bit higher. >>

    And that was only a 67. What would a 69 or 70 go for?
  • WalmannWalmann Posts: 2,806

    << <i>

    << <i>BTW, that 909-S closed at $2600.

    I half expected it to go just a bit higher. >>

    And that was only a 67. What would a 69 or 70 go for? >>

    That is the question.

    Not only possibly more, but perhaps even significantly less.

    When something is the first and only one being offered at a given point, it is likely a greater than otherwise premium is paid for the item.
    Will be interesting to see how this plays out and how many more are found and put up for sale.
  • 19Lyds19Lyds Posts: 26,490 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>BTW, that 909-S closed at $2600.

    I half expected it to go just a bit higher. >>

    And that was only a 67. What would a 69 or 70 go for? >>

    That is the question.

    Not only possibly more, but perhaps even significantly less.

    When something is the first and only one being offered at a given point, it is likely a greater than otherwise premium is paid for the item.
    Will be interesting to see how this plays out and how many more are found and put up for sale. >>


    Reading your quote/replies, I see that I did not correctly edit my original post! It started out as a 90-s and I thought I had changed it to an 09-S........ but obviously not!

    Sometimes living with an idiot can really tax your patience! image
    I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.

    The name is LEE!
  • PapiPapi Posts: 1,189 ✭✭
    Was this proof DDR reported in Coin World?
  • 19Lyds19Lyds Posts: 26,490 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Was this proof DDR reported in Coin World? >>

    Yes. Page 5 of the July 20th Issue but it was buried under all the business strike references. Page 40 has a photo with John Wexler's opinion on rarity.
    I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.

    The name is LEE!
  • PapiPapi Posts: 1,189 ✭✭
    July 20th issue, was last week?

    If you would be so kind..... I don't subcribe to CW, what was JW's opinion?
  • 19Lyds19Lyds Posts: 26,490 ✭✭✭✭
    "The rarest variety Wexler said he has examined is the lone Proof 2009-S variety reported thus far showing an extra index finger above the normal index finger. Proof die life is a maximum 3,000 strikes versus 1 million strikes for circulation."

    "It is nice enough to be of interest showing an extra index finger above the normal index finger and has that Proof cent rarity of no more than 3,000 coins - the average Proof cent die life."

    Coin World, July 20th, 2009
    I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.

    The name is LEE!
  • PapiPapi Posts: 1,189 ✭✭

    << <i>"The rarest variety Wexler said he has examined is the lone Proof 2009-S variety reported thus far showing an extra index finger above the normal index finger. Proof die life is a maximum 3,000 strikes versus 1 million strikes for circulation."

    "It is nice enough to be of interest showing an extra index finger above the normal index finger and has that Proof cent rarity of no more than 3,000 coins - the average Proof cent die life."

    Coin World, July 20th, 2009 >>

    Thanks for the info. The 20th was yesterday. Is this paper distibuted a week prior to it's published date? Was the coin pictured, both obverse/reverse?
  • 19Lyds19Lyds Posts: 26,490 ✭✭✭✭
    As with any National Magazine, Coin World is usually printed and shipped out 2 to 4 weeks before the printed publishing date.
    The only photo shown was of the DDR'ed portion of the reverse.

    Go to doubleddie.com for a copy of the photo at the bottom of the page.

    Or visit James Wiles web page on Variety Vista.
    I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.

    The name is LEE!
  • 08HALA2008HALA20 Posts: 3,066 ✭✭✭
    I have a box of 20 proof sets sitting in my closet.
    It is still sealed in Mint shipping box.

    Should I open it or keep it sealed.

    When did these get shipped from the mint?


  • Enlighten me....why would you keep proof sets sealed in the Mint shipping box???

    What if they are all crusty??? So much for returning them....

    I don't think there is a First Strike for Proof sets so......why????

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