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Slow moving

pocketpiececommemspocketpiececommems Posts: 5,976 ✭✭✭✭✭
Things have been pretty slow around here for me lately. I had a double hernia operation on June 30. So besides looking at these boards all the time not much else. I just had to get out and swing a little yesterday afternoon. MD by the grass area of a concession stand and found $2.29 in a half hour. Would have liked to have stayed longer but didn't want to kill the ole body the first time out. Swing slow, move slow, get up slow.


  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Nice hunt...but take it slow. Not worth pushing it - could really complicate things. Get well soon, Cheers, RickO
  • >>Swing slow, move slow, get up slow<<

    WOW...Take it EASY ;-) Just keep moving ! ! !

    Watch..You go slow and low = You will find the GOOD STUFF ! ! !

  • pcgs69pcgs69 Posts: 4,336 ✭✭✭✭
    not a bad haul for a half hour. Definitely good to take it slow for a little bit. We'll continue to post our finds to keep you occupied during the healing process!
  • marymmarym Posts: 713
    Hey PPC,

    You certainly don't want to set yourself back another 4-6 weeks, so go slow!!

    Hope you're back to full swing soon image -Mary
    Be Still and Know
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