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Sorry for the lack of communication, I found that my father passed away last week.

Kind of a long story....we haven't seen each other since he divorced my mother in '97. Received a call from his sister who isn't too computer savvy stating that a friend of hers wanted to do geneology on her family was trying out one of the services and as a test used her fathers name (same as my dad's) and both listings came up. well, to make a long story short....found that he had died 3 days before his 71st bday and was cremated on his bday October 18, 2008. Been working on getting his remains as she left him there and trying to get them up to Arlington for burial.

Sorry to those I haven't spoken with in a while but need to get closure on this.
This is a very dumb ass thread. - Laura Sperber - Tuesday January 09, 2007 11:16 AM image

Hell, I don't need to exercise.....I get enough just pushing my luck.


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