Time to end the pension insurance. Pensions should be fazed out just like it has been for the majority of Americans. Don't expect U.S. Taxpayers to insure anymore Pensions. Congress needs to end all future obligations. Yes, insure present obligations, but no more after that. You expect me as a taxpayer and probably in the majority who have no pensions to guarantee those that have?
Last week there were stories about companies that are making contingency plans for the end of the Euro. It's good to plan now, as it is inevitable IMO.
Last week there were stories about companies that are making contingency plans for the end of the Euro. It's good to plan now, as it is inevitable IMO. >>
Yup, that article says what I've been saying for months. And if Germany was using the mark, they would be in the same boat. The Euro is the greatest thing to happen to Germany in the last 100 years.
<< <i>Yup, that article says what I've been saying for months. And if Germany was using the mark, they would be in the same boat. The Euro is the greatest thing to happen to Germany in the last 100 years. >>
<< Last week there were stories about companies that are making contingency plans for the end of the Euro. It's good to plan now, as it is inevitable IMO. >>
I am totally prepared for the collapse of the Euro. I don't have any!
Of course, the coming collapse of the dollar is another story . . .
I agree, let's archive this one too. Maybe our handlers could link the two in some fashion without making the thread so big that it uses all your computer resources just to get it in up. Maybe GS could watch for it and start us out again, give us a push so to speak. We can use the break-up of the european union and repositioning of the euro as a starter thread, looks like that event might make it to the new year...or not.
Sooooooooo...the etf's maybe have some physical that they have leveraged many times the actual gold value and likely don't have the physical to cover their investors deposits. So the etf's do have their investors funds but not the physical gold. So they take the investor funds and rather than buying physical to represent the supposedly gold backed investor money, they blow off the getting the physical part and just leverage their investors cash by using it to prop up the banks, giving the banks liquidity in trying times and raking in 5% or 6% on the lent out investor money.
This sounds like a good game as long as none of the banks go belly up and the loaned etf money becomes worthless paper and nobody asks for physical delivery and the ftc doesn't get its nose too far into this investment vehicle and expose it for the game it is; if any of that happens the physical gold is going to be very sought after. But let me guess..."Investors will recover no funds and XXX admited mistakes in how the accounts were managed but with no admission of any wrong doing."
It will be very entertaining to see what the actual lynch pin is to send this gold etf sham crashing to the bernie madoff bin of worthless investments. There seem to be only three vehicles that are worthy of putting a working man's fruits of labor into; land, cash, and PM. Seems like all the other stuff is cooked and booked and at some point, somebody's gonna get the hose, it's just a matter of when. JMHO
ECB to print 500 Billion Euro or around $639 Billion to be lent out to 500 banks. Problem is about $300 of the Euro bonds are due in 2012. House of Cards. A temporary reprieve but not for long. Nothing new: debt paying off debt.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
Coin's for sale/trade.
Tom Pilitowski
US Rare Coin Investments
it's a pdf so i dunno if you can either save as on this link or need to go the site
yes you can save as on the link to d/l the pdf
Box of 20
But here's what I really wanted to post. Kind of surprised there has been no discussion of this.
The Swiss Government Is Getting Ready For The Collapse Of The Euro
Last week there were stories about companies that are making contingency plans for the end of the Euro. It's good to plan now, as it is inevitable IMO.
How about an 01/01/12 start?
<< <i>First, I'd like to propose that we re-start this thread for 2012 forward. 3 years is probably enough coverage...
But here's what I really wanted to post. Kind of surprised there has been no discussion of this.
The Swiss Government Is Getting Ready For The Collapse Of The Euro
Last week there were stories about companies that are making contingency plans for the end of the Euro. It's good to plan now, as it is inevitable IMO. >>
Yup, that article says what I've been saying for months. And if Germany was using the mark, they would be in the same boat. The Euro is the greatest thing to happen to Germany in the last 100 years.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
<< <i>I'll second that.
How about an 01/01/12 start? >>
Yes of course, that's what I meant.
<< <i>Yup, that article says what I've been saying for months. And if Germany was using the mark, they would be in the same boat. The Euro is the greatest thing to happen to Germany in the last 100 years. >>
Depends on your perspective...
I do not have a problem with that!
Lets here from some of the others?
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
I am totally prepared for the collapse of the Euro. I don't have any!
Of course, the coming collapse of the dollar is another story . . .
My Adolph A. Weinman signature

ETF And Central Bank Gold Lent To Banks Being Relent Into Market?
This sounds like a good game as long as none of the banks go belly up and the loaned etf money becomes worthless paper and nobody asks for physical delivery and the ftc doesn't get its nose too far into this investment vehicle and expose it for the game it is; if any of that happens the physical gold is going to be very sought after. But let me guess..."Investors will recover no funds and XXX admited mistakes in how the accounts were managed but with no admission of any wrong doing."
It will be very entertaining to see what the actual lynch pin is to send this gold etf sham crashing to the bernie madoff bin of worthless investments. There seem to be only three vehicles that are worthy of putting a working man's fruits of labor into; land, cash, and PM. Seems like all the other stuff is cooked and booked and at some point, somebody's gonna get the hose, it's just a matter of when. JMHO
I knew it would happen.
Coin's for sale/trade.
Tom Pilitowski
US Rare Coin Investments
Box of 20
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
Box of 20
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
Well lets try this link?