Home Metal Detecting

Let's see your Metal Detecting Type Set!

pcgs69pcgs69 Posts: 4,336 ✭✭✭✭
Let's see the different types of coins you've found! I'll see if I can start.

Miscellanious Section!
COUNTERFEIT Greek Athena Owl. Yes, it's counterfeit. Really makes you wonder who dropped it.
17_0 Spanish coin... any info?
Blank Cent planchet


  • carscars Posts: 1,904
    I would but only coins I've found to date are: 3 Lincoln cents, 2 Jeffersons & 1 Clad Washington. One of these days image.

    How did someone get ahold of the coins you lost?
    Its all relative
  • the unknown copper is either a Connecticut copper, or an imitation British copper. Can you read the date on the coin? It would on the bottom of the reverse. That half dime you found is beautiful.
  • pcgs69pcgs69 Posts: 4,336 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>I would but only coins I've found to date are: 3 Lincoln cents, 2 Jeffersons & 1 Clad Washington. One of these days image.

    How did someone get ahold of the coins you lost? >>

    We were robbed about 15 years ago and just about all of the rings and coins my father and I found were stolen. Never saw any of them again.
  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Awesome finds... too bad about your loss... Cheers, RickO
  • DockwalliperDockwalliper Posts: 1,169 ✭✭✭
    I've dug only 12 of the 23 US coins you show but I can add Ike, SBA, Sackie and President dollar coins to the list.
  • demodiggerdemodigger Posts: 1,012
    saw this post the other day but did'nt have time till now. alot of my better coins are in my safe, so i'm going with what can be easily found. this first grouping is half dollars and a morgan.
    1902 morgan dollar
    1863 seated half
    1899 barber half
    1944 walker half
    1952 franklin half
  • demodiggerdemodigger Posts: 1,012
    for some reason these wanted to scan with greater detail, hope they load ok.
    1876 CC seated quarter
    1898s barber quarter
    1924s standing quarter
    1937 washington quarter
    hhhmmm sanned lower, oh well.
    1850 seated dime
    1901s barber dime
    1916s mercury dime
    if this is too high resolution, let me know.
    1868s seated halfdime
    crappy shield nickel
    1900 liberty nickel
    1931s buffalo nickel
    1945s war nickel
    lead nickel
  • pcgs69pcgs69 Posts: 4,336 ✭✭✭✭
    Excellent stuff Demo! May I ask where you found the Morgan? I'm always intrigued with those who find silver dollars.
  • that was my second morgan found. it came from a large dump with debris from the 1906 SF earthquake. my first one came from an outhouse that had been dug up and then filled back. that one was only a few inches deep. what a thrill that was. at first i thought it was a mexican peso. then i saw the large head and 1881 at the bottom. my hands were shaking and i had to stop detecting that day. its days like those that keep me going.
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