My May totals.

Well I have had my Ace 250 for 19 days, here is a pic of my totals:

That includes 93 cents, 7 nickels, 32 dimes, 22 quarters, one freedom token, 4 rings, 2 earrings, 7 charms (two gold) 1 bullet
countless tabs
10 tabs I was sure were nickels.
5 or 6 can slaw
one rusty bolt cutters
many deep empty holes
and whole lot of fun. I can't wait to get my kids invloved. thanks for all the advise here, Im hoping June will be huge. Still looking for my first silver!

That includes 93 cents, 7 nickels, 32 dimes, 22 quarters, one freedom token, 4 rings, 2 earrings, 7 charms (two gold) 1 bullet
countless tabs
10 tabs I was sure were nickels.
5 or 6 can slaw
one rusty bolt cutters
many deep empty holes
and whole lot of fun. I can't wait to get my kids invloved. thanks for all the advise here, Im hoping June will be huge. Still looking for my first silver!
Are you digging almost every signal or just the 100% clear signals?
to quarter and goes from there as many of the sites are penny heavy. Old abandon play yards have been the best for me so far.
Woulden't worry to much,your finding GOLD