My first run in with the law

So Im in downtown at a park and I'm swining it trying to stay out of the geese poop and I hear an excuse me from behind the bushes. Sure enough Mr Policeman
is there, he nicely says that he called the city about what I was doing and they said I needed a permit here in Jacksonville. I said alright and packed up shop. I
guess it is going to be impossible for me to detect some of the old historic areas around downtown. I did find an old pendant, gold in color but Im not sure if it
is real. Im really itching for some historic and older finds. I hit a tot lot on the way home and dug 10 pennies and a bunch of dimes and two nickels. Anyone have
any law enforcment run ins?
is there, he nicely says that he called the city about what I was doing and they said I needed a permit here in Jacksonville. I said alright and packed up shop. I
guess it is going to be impossible for me to detect some of the old historic areas around downtown. I did find an old pendant, gold in color but Im not sure if it
is real. Im really itching for some historic and older finds. I hit a tot lot on the way home and dug 10 pennies and a bunch of dimes and two nickels. Anyone have
any law enforcment run ins?
I did however get pulled over for speeding for the first time in my life last weekend...
...for going 2 mph over the speed limit of all things...
I got a warning that said "travelling over the posted speed limit," but the rate was left blank as I guess the state patrolman knew it was laughable that he had pulled me over.
are some amazing houses here, of course its all in a bad part of town now, plenty of open lots I would love to dig. I have been studying the old sandborn maps
and have become more and more sad by what time has destroyed, you can't stop progress huh?
Funny about the 1:15 am story, I have been out in my yard with a flashlight twice since I have got the detector, if I can't at least swing for a hour or so
during the day I do get the fever to go out at night.
Still fun finding out about the history here, maybe one day I will find something old.
<< <i> Anyone have
any law enforcment run ins?
Kevin >>
I've had many of those but nothing to do with MDing
our city requires a permit for our parks and schools. i got asked on wednesday. apparently someone else got asked nearby, who did'nt have a permit. the place i detect is considered a park, but had homes on it before.
i've had police ask me to leave at various places. some police ask me to stay. some tell me of other places to try. some wanted to arrest me. some wanted to thank me. strange world indeed.
Not detecting on public lands, but chased
several times on public lands and roads.
back in the day riding street and dirt cycles
One time, years ago riding my dirt bike on the street being chased
was like the dukes of hazzard thing with two cop cars lites flashing sliding
sideways in the gravel ( last time I looked back) as I pulled off the main
paved road onto a dirt road. 450cc dirt bike Gone!
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