The long awaited Ace 250 has arrived!

I finally got my new detector and just in time for a camping trip downeast to Bar Harbor. I admit I didn't take as much time with it as I could have, but I was far more interested in taking in the sights of Acadia National Park then digging in the dirt back at my campsite! When I did take a few minutes to play, I found that it was totally easy to use. It's seems to know a penny when it hits one, and can identify pull tabs, but I've also learned it gets confused between a nickel and foil. Does anyone else have that problem? I'm also wondering what the power volume is, any tips there? -Mary
Be Still and Know
reason. i guess it is due to the material they are made of or the size.
and i own a ace 250 and i am not even sure what you mean by
the power volume. i did not realize you could change the volume of
the sounds the device makes. maybe they came out with a slightly
newer model?
since i cannot answer your question i fully recommend watching the
dvd they provide with your instructions. it really helps to learn all the
details of the machine.
lately the spots i have been going to are terrible. digging up cans
and odd metal. but of course i have been digging almost everything
but i am used to a lot more change.
than nickels. Keep diggin!
Me TOO...and I spent $1500.00 :-(
If you dig the will find GOLD...eventuly ;-)