Home Metal Detecting

silver in change

ColinCMRColinCMR Posts: 1,482 ✭✭✭
nothing big but I got a 1966 Canadian silver 10cent in XF with some luster in change the other week

I've still only found silver in change a few times, so i'm pleased


  • I got a standing liberty quarter in a slot machine last month in Vegas
    My project: Complete proof Lincoln Memorial set. To accomplish this task I am sending in complete proof sets for grading.
  • carscars Posts: 1,904
    Its been a few months since I received a Canadian silver Quarter, 80% in a coke machine return slot outside of the Kroger grocery where I received a silver Rosey in change. Me thinks a kid got his daddy's stash.
    Its all relative
  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    I got 78 cents back from taco bell and heard the sound of silver..sure enough a 64 quarter! woo hoo

  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Silver still turns up occasionally. Mostly, the condition belies a collector piece, usually too worn or marked. Likely a 'sock drawer' clean out... Cheers, RickO
  • milbrocomilbroco Posts: 2,755 ✭✭✭✭
    Lat week I got a 1943-P nickle in change. It's always fun getting something like that in change.
    ebay seller name milbroco
    email bcmiller7@comcast.net
  • unknowncomicunknowncomic Posts: 945 ✭✭
    At Safeway supermarket last friday , I got a 1927 wheatie in change.
    Molon Labe
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