Stopped raining at last

And heres me up bright and early already bored.Ive heard after a good rain its possible to get more depth out of a machine,ive a mind to put that to the test today.
Ive been going over the same area for a while removing a heck of a lot of junk, a few lincolns and wheats and a buffalo among that.
An old pocket knife too..i never find jewelry,cant figure that one.
Ive nothing much else on today,its been raining for at least 2 days now.I intend to concentrate on the same area with absolutely no discrimination and see what kind of depth im getting.
Ive been going over the same area for a while removing a heck of a lot of junk, a few lincolns and wheats and a buffalo among that.
An old pocket knife too..i never find jewelry,cant figure that one.
Ive nothing much else on today,its been raining for at least 2 days now.I intend to concentrate on the same area with absolutely no discrimination and see what kind of depth im getting.
The terrain is flat as a pancake , front,back and sides of a house now empty built around 1886 or prior.Its on what was farmland,a chicken farm i believe if the area history is accurate,no reason to think otherwise.
The owner of the property died about a year ago and had been there since 59 , little to nothing was ever changed.I got permission from out of state relatives to use the metal detector over there and it suits them as i obviously keep an eye on the property for them.
A lot of it..almost all of it is seriously overgrown,place is on the market but hasnt sold as far as i know.I had a peek at the realtor estate agency web site and the ad for this place is anything but enticing , there isnt even a picture.
Im hoping ill have this site for a while yet as ive spent a lot of time clearing the junk out and hauling away fallen branches etc to get at the ground level.
The morning went in pretty quick , by mid afternoon i hadnt found a heck of a lot other than almost surface depth clad,couple inches maybe.I kept twiddling the disc and sensitivity to eek out every last centimetre but i wasnt getting anything from any depth.
Early part of the afternoon i switched to the back yard area.Had my sandwiches looking over the area thinking if i lived here 100 years ago...where would be my favorite spot to sit..kinda meaningless considering how fast things change with vegetation and so on but it passed the time it took to have lunch.
Usually i switch the machine off if i take a break,this time i didnt and i dont know if leaving it on in the sunlight had any effect or if it was warmer in the open out from under the trees but my first signal took way too long to find.I was in the mindset that it would be in the top few inches.
I would empty out a spoonfull or two and scan the machine over what id removed and bang..there it wasnt making sense.
I was getting a signal in the hole and out of the hole...and another ..and another..i started thinking my machine was shot or the wet ground was causing false signals.
And filled in my hole..there on the grass was an indian head penny,shaken loose from the movement of the soil.
Ok..i thought...then what was that signal and that one etc.. lol i spent the rest of the afternoon digging up rosies and mercs,barbours and lincolns , wheats , buffalos.The machine wasnt faulty at all , i figure im on the area where a washing line maybe was at one time.Theres just so much change around its surreal,i dont have but a second to scan and im digging again.
Its going to get better too as the lady friend who up til now kinda laughed at my treasue hunting exploits (in a good way,harmless) suggested what id been saying all along , i really should get a new detector.
She got what i was saying about depth and i guess today showed me too.I know the one i want so am hoping to track it down within driving distance tomorrow.
Coins ? Getting a bath right now , probably leave the copper longer but the silver seems to come clean pretty quickly.Ill get some pictures when i figure out how to put them up here.Too sore to think about anything but a hot bath myself.
Hows all you guys adventures been treating you ? Any nice finds worth a mention out there ?