First large cent of the year - a 1936

Finally found something to report on, my first large cent of 2009- a British 1936 penny (well I call it a large cent anyway)- wouldn't you know I would find it on the day Obama lands in England too. Also found a 1936 Canadian small cent at the same spot- a friend of mine just bought an old apartment house in need of repair, its vacant now and he gave me permission to hunt the grounds. Found a few more coins in yard as well, mostly modern stuff as shown in picture and one initial plaque I guess of some type:

Even found a plastic play quarter that had me scratching my head for a moment ?*?*? - there was a dime in same hole. Good news is that most of snow is gone here in upstate NY, still a liffle frost in spots, but overall I was able to dig in most of the yard except shaded areas.

Even found a plastic play quarter that had me scratching my head for a moment ?*?*? - there was a dime in same hole. Good news is that most of snow is gone here in upstate NY, still a liffle frost in spots, but overall I was able to dig in most of the yard except shaded areas.
Rick, those Copy "coins" (made of plastic) are in play money sets, they had them in grade school when I was there in the 1990s. I managed to end up with a Copy cent. I think it's supposed to teach kids how to handle money, but in my school nobody wanted anything to do with them.
The most bizarre thing is that my mom once recieved one of those, with Copy clearly marked on it, in nickel form as change from McDonald's drive thru!
Thanks for the information. I am in Ulster County (Saugerties), quite close to you actually. Cheers, RickO