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Want Dollar Coins to Circulate? Commit to do Your Part



  • BillJonesBillJones Posts: 33,856 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don't want to use the dollars coins because I don't want $10 in coins rattling around and weighing down my pockets. I’ll also tell you that these coins will not look attractive in circulation. That compound that makes up the modern dollar does not tarnish well in circulation.
    Retired dealer and avid collector of U.S. type coins, 19th century presidential campaign medalets and selected medals. In recent years I have been working on a set of British coins - at least one coin from each king or queen who issued pieces that are collectible. I am also collecting at least one coin for each Roman emperor from Julius Caesar to ... ?

  • << <i>I think the "circulation route" for these coins is as follows:

    1. US Mint to Me

    2. Me to Store

    3. Store to Bank

    4. Bank to Fed vaults

    Quite simple. >>


    Sign me up when they get rid of the cent and the paper $1.
  • DAMDAM Posts: 2,410 ✭✭
    I've been traveling to Canada for decades. I remember when they added the Loonie ($1 coin). The government gave everyone time, I'm not sure how much, maybe 12 months, to turn in their paper dollars. After that banks would not accept paper dollars. Then they did the same for the Twoonie ($2 coin).

    I understand the cost to businesses, especially the vending business. It's also a pain sometimes to have a pocket of $1 and $2 coins. But they're easily gotten rid of.

    It's not rocket science. It's the whimpy politicians that are afraid of not being reelected.

  • DieClashDieClash Posts: 3,688 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>When the Sacs first came out the post office in the next town away had a machine that gave out the small (SBA and Sacs) dollars in change from purchases. I would drive there after work in the mornings to buy a book of stamps and get my change in dollar coins. Then, the machine started always being out of change. Now the post offices locally have removed the stamp machines and tell you to go on line to purchase stamps. If the government won't push the dollar coins, why should we? I would be more than glad to use them but I have never received a Prez coin in change. The only ones I have ever seen are in the first year mint and proof sets I bought from the mint.

    The vending machine industry won't accept them. A change machine in the canteen at work kive you $4.50 in quarters and 50¢ in nickels for a $5 bill. The coins are doomed.

    Ron >>

    I think the main reason the vending industry won't accept them is because they don't want to spend millions to retrofit Lord knows how many machines...just to accept a coin that no one really likes or uses. I've said this in the past...these won't be widely accepted until we do what Canada did and simply stop producing $1 notes... the populace will then have no choice but to use them. Canaadians grumbled and griped about the Loonies, but they use them. Same thing with Brits and the round Pound. >>

    I travel a lot for business. I haven't seen a hotel vending machine that I could not spend my golden and prexy dollars in. In fact, I remember the hoopla from the vending machine industry when the SBAs came out in 1979. Back in college by 1981 90% of all of the arcade machines at the local campus casino were retrofitted to accept the small dollar coin. I would exchange paper dollars for SBAs for use in the machines. The local arcade was the only place that I could get SBAs at the time.

    And when the new "golden dollar" was designed by the mint it had to have the same magnetic signature as the SBA small dollar in order to prevent the vending machine industry from having to retro all of their machines. Because Congress legislated that the new coin had to be "golden" and because it had to meet existing vending machine standards is the reason for the weird combination of Cu, Zn, Mn and Ni alloy in the planchets used to produce them.
    "Please help us keep these boards professional and informative…. And fun." - DW
  • itsnotjustmeitsnotjustme Posts: 8,777 ✭✭✭
    I've been slacking by not posting////

    Jun - Jul - Aug - Sep - Oct - Nov

    525 Lunch (~3 lunches/week * $7/lunch * 25 weeks)
    60 Parking ($5/day * 2 days/month * 6 Months)
    50 Metro Smart Card Load
    156 Haircuts ($13/cut * 2 cuts/month * 6 months)
    36 Coffee Fund ($6/month * 6 Months)
    50 Grocery Store
    37 Takeout Chinese
    25 Pizza Hut Carry Out

    Almost 1,000!

    Ba da dum dum dump, another rolls bites the dust!
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    Ba da dum dum dump, another rolls bites the dust!
    Ba da dum dum dump, another rolls bites the dust!
    Ba da dum dum dump, another rolls bites the dust!
    Ba da dum dum dump, another rolls bites the dust!

    Give Blood (Red Bags) & Platelets (Yellow Bags)!
  • DIMEMANDIMEMAN Posts: 22,403 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I actually prefer bills to the gawd awful dollar coins the mint is puking out these days!!!
  • Hello,

    I like the dollar coin. I try to get a roll every once in a while and spend them. I'm surprised that in the area of Dallas, TX where I live the newest ones the bank has are still rolls of George Washington's.

    I still think the U.S. government should eliminate the cent and paper dollar.
    I still call my accumulation my collection!
  • goodmoney4badmoneygoodmoney4badmoney Posts: 1,199 ✭✭✭✭
    about 2 weeks ago I ordered $250 of the Sac 2010 dollars. Been spending them everywhere, easily more than half distributed so far. At least 50% of the time they take them without comment. A few times the cashier stated they will buy them for themselves because "they collect coins". One older woman has grumbled twice when I paid with them because "nobody wants these". One cashier called the manager over to look at them, but it's unclear if she just thought they are neat or didn't know what they were (was in a drive-thru and couldn't hear the conversation). A couple of cashiers said "oh funny money". today a young female cashier asked "where do I put these?"to a co-worker. who stated "these are 1 dollar" and she replied "I know they are $1, but where do I put them?".... turns out they went in the extra register slot next to the quarters....LOL.
    At a subway sandwich place one cashier stated that a co-worker was discussing the dollars recently and was 100% convinced they were SOLID GOLD. image If I owned that place that person would be fired just for being so stupid.
    It seems most people are familiar enough to what they are...
  • itsnotjustmeitsnotjustme Posts: 8,777 ✭✭✭
    Many more rolls down.... I would say 2 rolls per week is typical. That is about 2500 per year. Only 2 1/2 orders from the mint... no wonder I am building a surplus.
    Give Blood (Red Bags) & Platelets (Yellow Bags)!
  • BaleyBaley Posts: 22,659 ✭✭✭✭✭
    the velocity on these is extremely low. most I spend (and that's maybe a dozen a week) go on a one way trip to someone's house and stay there.

    sometimes, the cashiers at stores don't even wait for me to leave before buying them from the till

    Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry

  • lkeigwinlkeigwin Posts: 16,892 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have too many clad Ikes and Kennedy's. It's been entertaining trying to spend them.

    Try carrying 10 Ikes in your pocket sometime. You'll look like you're in Jr. high.
  • I have been circulating Ike's. I spent all of my non silver Kennedy's already.
  • don129don129 Posts: 547 ✭✭✭
    Most people don't give a damn when I pass a golden dollar.

    It's the $2 bills they LOVE! I buy them 100 at a time from my local bank just to spend.

    Some time ago I came across a few Eisenhowers at my local bank. I gave one to the toll taker on the NYS Thruway who said (with a severe wiseass voice) "I'm impressed"
    Successful BSTs with adriana, barrytrot, Bochiman, Dabigkahuna, Modern Coin Mart, oilstates2003, terburn88, THEGENERAL
  • DBSTrader2DBSTrader2 Posts: 3,481 ✭✭✭✭
    I'm still looking for a few 2010-P Sacs. Any of you folks who are trying to circulate the dollar coins have some extras still available? I had ordered the free drop-ship 2010 rolls last year when first available, but all were "D" mint. I still have some loose & a roll or two left over.......

    Anyone out there who can help me with a few 2010-P Sacs in trade?


    - - Daveimage
  • itsnotjustmeitsnotjustme Posts: 8,777 ✭✭✭
    I spent 50 last night to pay for parking at Reagan National Airport......
    Give Blood (Red Bags) & Platelets (Yellow Bags)!

  • << <i>Most people don't give a damn when I pass a golden dollar. >>

    Sounds painful. image
  • 19Lyds19Lyds Posts: 26,490 ✭✭✭✭
    Instead of spending these coins which really doe not put them in circulation given the spender/store/bank/fed vaults route they all take,

    Write your Congress man and State Senator to support the bill to eliminate the paper dollar.
    I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.

    The name is LEE!
  • CaptHenwayCaptHenway Posts: 31,984 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Gave a $2 bill and a dollar coin as a tip at dinner tonight.

    Of course, the dollar coin was an Ike.......
    Numismatist. 50 year member ANA. Winner of four ANA Heath Literary Awards; three Wayte and Olga Raymond Literary Awards; Numismatist of the Year Award 2009, and Lifetime Achievement Award 2020. Winner numerous NLG Literary Awards.
  • I'm doing my part, easily a $1000 a year. But it's never going to work with the paper dollar out there.

    As far as shoving them down people's throats...how about I'm sick of having the people that want to continue to use rag dollars shoving the cost of producing them down my throat. image

    Most vending machines I try to use accept them. I always keep some around for when the bill reader gets finicky. image

  • AUandAGAUandAG Posts: 24,722 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Do you want to have some fun?

    Just make your political donation in Presidential dollars!

    Love to see the faces when they are opened!

    Registry: CC lowballs (boblindstrom), bobinvegas1989@yahoo.com
  • LanceNewmanOCCLanceNewmanOCC Posts: 19,999 ✭✭✭✭✭
    not $1000 a year or anything

    but i've circulated many a pres dollar and sacs
    maybe even a few sba

    <--- look what's behind the mask! - cool link 1/NO ~ 2/NNP ~ 3/NNC ~ 4/CF ~ 5/PG ~ 6/Cert ~ 7/NGC 7a/NGC pop~ 8/NGCF ~ 9/HA archives ~ 10/PM ~ 11/NM ~ 12/ANACS cert ~ 13/ANACS pop - report fakes 1/ACEF ~ report fakes/thefts 1/NCIS - Numi-Classes SS ~ Bass ~ Transcribed Docs NNP - clashed coins - error training - V V mm styles -

  • jedmjedm Posts: 3,009 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I just recently started working in a retail situation and decided to give out dollar coins in change. I just ask the customer first if they would prefer paper bills. Not a single customer has reacted in favor of the paper bill yet. I hear most often a comment about someone- if not themselves- that "saves these". Now how can THAT be bad? Personally I have used them since 1979.
  • itsnotjustmeitsnotjustme Posts: 8,777 ✭✭✭
    I continue to spend a couple hundred a month.
    Give Blood (Red Bags) & Platelets (Yellow Bags)!

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