Has anyone here ever obtained any gold coin in change? Or just found a gold coin?

If so. tell us your tale.
A related question is: When did gold coins stop being used in day to day commerce? Was it after the stock market crash of 1929, or was it earlier, or was it only after FDR took office in 1933? I suspect most gold coins were not used in day to day commerce in the 1920's, the possible exceptions being $2.50 and $5.00 Indian gold coins being used for (at the time) larger transactions.
A related question is: When did gold coins stop being used in day to day commerce? Was it after the stock market crash of 1929, or was it earlier, or was it only after FDR took office in 1933? I suspect most gold coins were not used in day to day commerce in the 1920's, the possible exceptions being $2.50 and $5.00 Indian gold coins being used for (at the time) larger transactions.
If I found one in change I would still be there standing in shock
I have yet to find one detecting but one of these day's
I ain't one of them.
... yet.