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25,000 Post Giveaway - Winner Announced

CladiatorCladiator Posts: 18,013 ✭✭✭✭✭
The winner is Edscoin with his guess of 10 days. I started my job on 3/9/09, the answer was 12. image

I can't believe I've spit out 25,000 bits of nonsense on this forum. It just seems unfathomable but kind of neat too. I've learned a lot and am thankful for the handful of true friends I've found here. Anyways, I can't think of anything clever to do for the giveaway so I'll make it painfully easy. The first person to guess the closest answer to the below question wins all three prizes. One guess per username. Edits to your post will disqualify you. The guessing will come to a close at 8pm PST on Sunday March 22nd.

The Question: As of, and including today, 03/20/2009, how many days have I been employed in my current job?

The prizes:





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