Home PSA Set Registry Forum

Ryne Sandberg Official Thread

I figured I would start this up since I just requested the Ryne Sandberg Basic and Master Topps sets for the registry. I got the e-mail confim that it is up and running. I just added my set and would love to have any other Ryno fans join in. I'm trying to complete my set in all 10's, so anyone who has some available please let me know. Also, I have one of the more obscure cards available for a Sandberg Master set. I have the 1993 Bleachers promo raw. I also have the Barry Bonds Bleachers promo raw, if a Bonds collector happens across this thread. Send me a PM if you're interested in either cards.
Le Mieux Collection
#19 All Time 500 Goal Scorers
#41 All Time 3000 Strikeouts Club
#25 Cal Ripken Jr. Basic Topps
#4 Greg Maddux Basic Topps
#7 Ryne Sandberg Basic Topps
#1 Fank Thomas Rookies 100%
#1 Chipper Jones Rookies 100%


  • I too am a huge Sandberg fan. I don't think anyone can ever accuse him of ever doing PEDs. His Hall of Fame speech was awesome and he was a classy guy. Ryno and Greg Maddux were my 2 favorite baseball players growing up. I am currently attempting to collect as many Maddog PSA 10's as possible for his sets. I've been almost obsessed with checking the internet and ebay about 4-5 times a day for new ones. My next project is going to be collecting all Ryno PSA 10's. I have quite a few already although I want to be 100% commited to his sets before I add those cards to my PSA registry. It's good to see others who appreciated Ryno and it will be fun competing with others on the set registry. I wish there was more competition on the Maddux sets. There seems to be a few big Sandberg collectors on the regisrtys already so it'll be fun competing and collecting with you guys.
    I'm always looking for more Maddux psa 10's:
  • Awesome, you sold me as soon as you mentioned Maddux. I'm a die hard Braves fan and Maddux was my favorite, how I became a Braves fan is a story for another day. I grew up die hard Cal Ripken fan, but the Braves have always been my team and Maddux was the man. I pitched and went as far as getting the exact kind of Wilson A2000 that Maddux used. I also had Ripken's exact glove for when I played middle infield. Sandberg for me was always on my radar. I was born in Chicago and lived there untill I was 5, but I spent every summer back there with my grandparents and other family who is all still there. Ryno was actually the first autograph I ever got and that memory has always stuck with me. He was a fantastic person and player. That made me want to put this set together. I've started my Ripken set also and Maddux will be next after that, so I'll be joining you on the Maddux registry soon I hope. Ryno Topps in all tens has been tough! I own the one 10 1990 Topps, so that one might take awhile to come across anytime soon. I'll be at the Chicago Sun Times show later this month and I'm hoping to pick up some more 10's that I need for my set. Good luck with the set, its always great to talk to another fan.
    Le Mieux Collection
    #19 All Time 500 Goal Scorers
    #41 All Time 3000 Strikeouts Club
    #25 Cal Ripken Jr. Basic Topps
    #4 Greg Maddux Basic Topps
    #7 Ryne Sandberg Basic Topps
    #1 Fank Thomas Rookies 100%
    #1 Chipper Jones Rookies 100%
  • I need the following Ryne Sandberg cards in psa 10 :

    84 topps #596
    85 topps # 460
    87 topps # 680
    88 topps # 10
    89 topps # 360
    90 topps # 210
    94 topps # 300
    96 topps # 356
    97 topps # 167

    If you have any of these for sale, please pm me with a price....thanks

  • Good luck with the collection. The Sandberg 10's are tough. The 90 Topps you might have to sub yourself. I own the only ten out there. 85 and 88 are also tough issues, low pops. The 89 comes up on Ebay every now and then. I acutally just missed out on some a month ago.
    Le Mieux Collection
    #19 All Time 500 Goal Scorers
    #41 All Time 3000 Strikeouts Club
    #25 Cal Ripken Jr. Basic Topps
    #4 Greg Maddux Basic Topps
    #7 Ryne Sandberg Basic Topps
    #1 Fank Thomas Rookies 100%
    #1 Chipper Jones Rookies 100%
  • BkritzBkritz Posts: 1,093 ✭✭
    I have a psa 9 1989 topps All Star Ryno # 387, if anyone needs it. Actually, I have 3 of them!

    $5 each.

    PM me if you want one.
  • Thanks for the offer, but that doesn't fit the needs for my basic topps set. I just added the 88 Topps today.
    Le Mieux Collection
    #19 All Time 500 Goal Scorers
    #41 All Time 3000 Strikeouts Club
    #25 Cal Ripken Jr. Basic Topps
    #4 Greg Maddux Basic Topps
    #7 Ryne Sandberg Basic Topps
    #1 Fank Thomas Rookies 100%
    #1 Chipper Jones Rookies 100%
  • Ok, I'm wondering which one of you guys took down the 96 Topps Sandberg. I threw down a $125.25 bid, thinking that would more than cover that card. This had to be a Sandberg collector. It is a great card and congrats on taking it that far, you got a great card. Still, I'm totally shocked at that price! I figured $50-$75 at most. I guess I have to adjust my pricing going forward!
    Le Mieux Collection
    #19 All Time 500 Goal Scorers
    #41 All Time 3000 Strikeouts Club
    #25 Cal Ripken Jr. Basic Topps
    #4 Greg Maddux Basic Topps
    #7 Ryne Sandberg Basic Topps
    #1 Fank Thomas Rookies 100%
    #1 Chipper Jones Rookies 100%
  • Actually, I would be thankful that you didn't win the card. That should be around a $15 card. There are 28 PSA 10's in the population report, so it's not a difficult grade to obtain. More will appear, and you'll be able to get it much cheaper.
  • Oh I agree, I think it was crazy, now that I think back on it I don't even know why I bid that high, I guess just thinking a crazy bid price to lock it up. I picked up my 1990 Topps, which is a pop 1 for $23, so to think this card went that high, nuts!
    Le Mieux Collection
    #19 All Time 500 Goal Scorers
    #41 All Time 3000 Strikeouts Club
    #25 Cal Ripken Jr. Basic Topps
    #4 Greg Maddux Basic Topps
    #7 Ryne Sandberg Basic Topps
    #1 Fank Thomas Rookies 100%
    #1 Chipper Jones Rookies 100%
  • that was me.....thanks a lot.....i didnt expect to pay half that for that card..........image
  • Sorry, I was doing the same thing you did by not expecting another high bidder, you just sets yours a little higher than mine otherwise I would have been stuck with the high price tag. That was the first Ryno I've lost.
    Le Mieux Collection
    #19 All Time 500 Goal Scorers
    #41 All Time 3000 Strikeouts Club
    #25 Cal Ripken Jr. Basic Topps
    #4 Greg Maddux Basic Topps
    #7 Ryne Sandberg Basic Topps
    #1 Fank Thomas Rookies 100%
    #1 Chipper Jones Rookies 100%
  • jackstrawjackstraw Posts: 3,790 ✭✭✭
    Just got this in a set I bought for the Griffey...............
    Collector Focus

  • BunchOBullBunchOBull Posts: 6,188 ✭✭✭
    Collector of most things Frank Thomas. www.BigHurtHOF.com
  • That's a pretty sweet jersey card! Three of the best if you are a Cubs fan for shure!
    Le Mieux Collection
    #19 All Time 500 Goal Scorers
    #41 All Time 3000 Strikeouts Club
    #25 Cal Ripken Jr. Basic Topps
    #4 Greg Maddux Basic Topps
    #7 Ryne Sandberg Basic Topps
    #1 Fank Thomas Rookies 100%
    #1 Chipper Jones Rookies 100%
  • Hey guys, we are now having a sale on Ryne Sandberg cards with most auctions startin at only $5.99 with low buy it nows.

    psa-set-guy Ryne Sandberg auctions
    psa-set-guy eBay store

    Orange County Sports Inv.
    (714) 373-9800
  • I'm really looking to track down the 89 and 94 Topps cards if anyone has them available. PSA 10 only though.
    Le Mieux Collection
    #19 All Time 500 Goal Scorers
    #41 All Time 3000 Strikeouts Club
    #25 Cal Ripken Jr. Basic Topps
    #4 Greg Maddux Basic Topps
    #7 Ryne Sandberg Basic Topps
    #1 Fank Thomas Rookies 100%
    #1 Chipper Jones Rookies 100%
  • BkritzBkritz Posts: 1,093 ✭✭
    237 1 14550310 GEM MINT 10 1992 DONRUSS 429 RYNE SANDBERG $15
    201 1 14550274 GEM MINT 10 1997 FLEER 716 RYNE SANDBERG $17

    PM if you want em!

  • Ryne needs a bump too!
    Le Mieux Collection
    #19 All Time 500 Goal Scorers
    #41 All Time 3000 Strikeouts Club
    #25 Cal Ripken Jr. Basic Topps
    #4 Greg Maddux Basic Topps
    #7 Ryne Sandberg Basic Topps
    #1 Fank Thomas Rookies 100%
    #1 Chipper Jones Rookies 100%
  • DamageIncDamageInc Posts: 150 ✭✭
    Was just wanting to chime in to say that Ryne is coaching the Tennessee Smokies which is a Cubs farm team just up the road from me in Sevierville,TN. I have seen a couple of billboards around town that say RYNO! on them.
  • Glad to see him still working with the sport!
    Le Mieux Collection
    #19 All Time 500 Goal Scorers
    #41 All Time 3000 Strikeouts Club
    #25 Cal Ripken Jr. Basic Topps
    #4 Greg Maddux Basic Topps
    #7 Ryne Sandberg Basic Topps
    #1 Fank Thomas Rookies 100%
    #1 Chipper Jones Rookies 100%
  • CrimsonTiderCrimsonTider Posts: 1,381 ✭✭✭
    I have a 1992 Topps Micro R Sandberg PSA 10 on the way to my house. It was part of the Group Sub II. I really don't collect RS, but I had that card and it was sub worthy, so now I have a PSA 10. If anyone is interested, he is for sale or trade, I would rather trade than sell for some odd reason. If a trade is doable, I collect Dale Murphy and OPC. Make me an offer
    collecting Dale Murphy and OPC
  • Sandberg slipped way down the page count, had to bring him back!
    Le Mieux Collection
    #19 All Time 500 Goal Scorers
    #41 All Time 3000 Strikeouts Club
    #25 Cal Ripken Jr. Basic Topps
    #4 Greg Maddux Basic Topps
    #7 Ryne Sandberg Basic Topps
    #1 Fank Thomas Rookies 100%
    #1 Chipper Jones Rookies 100%
  • I just wanted to thank Artimus for helping me pick up the 96 Topps Sandberg for my basic set. Thanks again!
    Le Mieux Collection
    #19 All Time 500 Goal Scorers
    #41 All Time 3000 Strikeouts Club
    #25 Cal Ripken Jr. Basic Topps
    #4 Greg Maddux Basic Topps
    #7 Ryne Sandberg Basic Topps
    #1 Fank Thomas Rookies 100%
    #1 Chipper Jones Rookies 100%
  • artimusartimus Posts: 684
    glad to help....i have a few more sandbergs on ebay...this is a lot of 21 psa 10's.....there are a couple of singles also....

  • tunahead08tunahead08 Posts: 1,063 ✭✭✭
    That 91 Topps Sandberg is a great looking card!
  • Good luck with the auction, you have some sweet ones there!
    Le Mieux Collection
    #19 All Time 500 Goal Scorers
    #41 All Time 3000 Strikeouts Club
    #25 Cal Ripken Jr. Basic Topps
    #4 Greg Maddux Basic Topps
    #7 Ryne Sandberg Basic Topps
    #1 Fank Thomas Rookies 100%
    #1 Chipper Jones Rookies 100%
  • artimusartimus Posts: 684
    Anyone need a 1988 Topps #10 Ryne Sandberg psa 10?........I sold it on Ebay for $41....then the guy discovered he already had the card.....I figured if anyone here wanted it.....I would take $30 shipped for it........image
  • cougar701cougar701 Posts: 544 ✭✭✭
    Anyone care to comment on why there are ZERO 1986 Topps PSA 10 Ryne Sandbergs? In fact only 9 PSA 9's even... whats the deal with 1986 Topps his card?
  • 1986 Topps are tough on centering. Combine that with condition sensitive black borders and you have a hard to find card in mint condition. I busted a wax case and countless rack boxes when the Ryan still had a PSA 10 pop of less than 5. Only pulled one submittable Sandberg and it graded an 8.
  • BoopottsBoopotts Posts: 6,784 ✭✭

    << <i>Anyone care to comment on why there are ZERO 1986 Topps PSA 10 Ryne Sandbergs? In fact only 9 PSA 9's even... whats the deal with 1986 Topps his card? >>

    There are serious centering issues with this card, but the real deal breaker are the red print dots and the bleached-out black border. I have come into well centered copies, but I have never found a centered copy that has a deep black surface and no print defects, and I've looked over at least 300 copies of this card.

    This and the Sutton are the two toughest HOFers in the set (the Sutton is probably the hardest, I've never personally seen a copy that would grade higher than a 7). In the years to come when this set begins to pick up steam I think you'll see some truly gross hammer prices for these two cards in PSA 10.
  • I'm on a serious hunt for a PSA 10 1989 Topps Sandberg. If anyone has one for sale, please PM me!!!
    Le Mieux Collection
    #19 All Time 500 Goal Scorers
    #41 All Time 3000 Strikeouts Club
    #25 Cal Ripken Jr. Basic Topps
    #4 Greg Maddux Basic Topps
    #7 Ryne Sandberg Basic Topps
    #1 Fank Thomas Rookies 100%
    #1 Chipper Jones Rookies 100%
  • artimusartimus Posts: 684
    I have the following Ryne Sandberg psa 10's available for $10 each shipped........discount for multiple purchases....

    1986 Leaf #62
    1988 Fleer #628 w/Smith (2)
    1989 Upper Deck #675
    1989 Scoremasters #23
    1989 Donruss All Stars #35
    1990 Leaf #98
    1991 Topps #740
    1992 Topps #110
    1992 OPC #110
    1993 Score #530
    1993 Topps #3
    1994 Topps Gold #300
    1994 Stadium Club #719

    pm if interested....thanks....
  • Beck6Beck6 Posts: 1,038 ✭✭✭
    Alright Sandberg guys. No 10's on the pop report and centering is tough on this issue. Right edge has the OPC rough cut of course. I think I am going to send it in on the special and roll the dice. Grade just popped 8.5 ouch! Cannot imagine what a 10 would even look like!

    Registry Sets:
    T222's PSA 1 or better
  • Nice card. Such a high resolution scan brings out any imperfections in the card, but if those imperfections are not visible to the naked eye (and the black line at the top is just a hair or mark on the sleeve), I think you have a shot at a 10, but most probably a 9.

    << <i>Alright Sandberg guys. No 10's on the pop report and centering is tough on this issue. Right edge has the OPC rough cut of course. I think I am going to send it in on the special and roll the dice.

    image >>

  • Nice card! I think you'll find some interested folks if that card hits a 10! Good luck!
    Le Mieux Collection
    #19 All Time 500 Goal Scorers
    #41 All Time 3000 Strikeouts Club
    #25 Cal Ripken Jr. Basic Topps
    #4 Greg Maddux Basic Topps
    #7 Ryne Sandberg Basic Topps
    #1 Fank Thomas Rookies 100%
    #1 Chipper Jones Rookies 100%
  • Not graded obviously, but forgot I had these and I just think they are cool. Not cool enough to keep in a box though. They are on eBay now. image

  • I finally picked up the 89 Topps Sandberg. Now I'm on the hunt for a 94 Topps PSA 10. If anyone can help, let me know.
    Le Mieux Collection
    #19 All Time 500 Goal Scorers
    #41 All Time 3000 Strikeouts Club
    #25 Cal Ripken Jr. Basic Topps
    #4 Greg Maddux Basic Topps
    #7 Ryne Sandberg Basic Topps
    #1 Fank Thomas Rookies 100%
    #1 Chipper Jones Rookies 100%
  • fur72fur72 Posts: 2,348 ✭✭
    Wow nice to see this thread active. I havent worked on Ryno in awhile. Hopefully after I finish I Allen and Ginter I will focus on the basic Topps set and load back in the 50+ graded Sandbergs I pulled off awhile back.
  • baseballfanbaseballfan Posts: 5,464 ✭✭✭

    this card is a blazer!!! $250.00 if someone wants it.

    and a bump for the thread

    collecting RAW Topps baseball cards 1952 Highs to 1972. looking for collector grade (somewhere between psa 4-7 condition). let me know what you have, I'll take it, I want to finish sets, I must have something you can use for trade.

    looking for Topps 71-72 hi's-62-53-54-55-59, I have these sets started

  • BugOnTheRugBugOnTheRug Posts: 1,611 ✭✭✭
    Here's some 1980 Reading Phillies Sandberg eye candy. I'll be sending this to newport beach sometime this month. I think it's got a decent shot at an 8.

  • I have his 88 Topps PSA 10 coming back from the group sub. If anyone needs it PM me and we can work something out.
  • baseballfanbaseballfan Posts: 5,464 ✭✭✭
    nice card bug

    collecting RAW Topps baseball cards 1952 Highs to 1972. looking for collector grade (somewhere between psa 4-7 condition). let me know what you have, I'll take it, I want to finish sets, I must have something you can use for trade.

    looking for Topps 71-72 hi's-62-53-54-55-59, I have these sets started

  • tunahead08tunahead08 Posts: 1,063 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Here's some 1980 Reading Phillies Sandberg eye candy. I'll be sending this to newport beach sometime this month. I think it's got a decent shot at an 8.

    Nice card! Love the early 80's minor league stuff!
  • WOW that's a good looking minor league card looks better than my 8........Has anyone seen the 1981 Venezuelan Sandberg
    Collecting Everything Sandberg LMK I'm buying
  • RynoandBoRynoandBo Posts: 393 ✭✭
    Let's blow off 2 years of dust from this thread. Lets see some 10's out there, and maybe some for sale:


  • jboxjbox Posts: 408 ✭✭

    << <i>Let's blow off 2 years of dust from this thread. Lets see some 10's out there, and maybe some for sale:


    Mike >>

    I want this card.
  • TheVonTheVon Posts: 2,725
    If the Red Sox hire Ryno as their new manager I may renew my stalled out attempt at working on his player set for the registry!
  • jackstrawjackstraw Posts: 3,790 ✭✭✭

    << <i>If the Red Sox hire Ryno as their new manager I may renew my stalled out attempt at working on his player set for the registry! >>

    Is that being talked about? I think that would be good move!!
    Collector Focus

  • tunahead08tunahead08 Posts: 1,063 ✭✭✭
  • TheVonTheVon Posts: 2,725
    It's being talked about in Boston. I'm not sure how likely it is but they did offer him the AAA job at Pawtucket last year and he turned it down. I would guess he's one of the top 5 legit candidates for the job.
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