Lost ring

During the hectic Christmas week, my daughter lost my late wife's class ring.
My wife had given it to her the day before she died, in December 2002.
She came to our machine shop in tears. She had been busy with Christmas presents, taking my grandchildren to the other grandparents and here to my home, as well as shopping and doing some snow shoveling at her house.
She had no idea where she lost it.
She had torn her house apart looking for the ring, and had her mother in law go through her house to see if it may have been lost there.
They weren't able to find it.
She asked me if I would go through her driveway and adjacent lawn this spring with my metal detector. I told her the ground balance switch needed replacement, but I would get it fixed and do the search.
Her husband has a body shop and heats it with wood and waste paper and cardboard.
The other day, he had been stuffing some Christmas wrapping papers into the stove from a trash bag when he heard something in the bag. He looked in the bag, and at the bottom was the ring.
He said he generally just shoves the full bags of waste papers into the stove, but for some strange reason he had pulled the papers out and was putting them in the stove in handfuls this time.
My daughter was so happy she cried when he brought her the ring.
She's getting it resized to better fit her, so maybe it won't get lost again.
My wife had given it to her the day before she died, in December 2002.
She came to our machine shop in tears. She had been busy with Christmas presents, taking my grandchildren to the other grandparents and here to my home, as well as shopping and doing some snow shoveling at her house.
She had no idea where she lost it.
She had torn her house apart looking for the ring, and had her mother in law go through her house to see if it may have been lost there.
They weren't able to find it.
She asked me if I would go through her driveway and adjacent lawn this spring with my metal detector. I told her the ground balance switch needed replacement, but I would get it fixed and do the search.
Her husband has a body shop and heats it with wood and waste paper and cardboard.
The other day, he had been stuffing some Christmas wrapping papers into the stove from a trash bag when he heard something in the bag. He looked in the bag, and at the bottom was the ring.
He said he generally just shoves the full bags of waste papers into the stove, but for some strange reason he had pulled the papers out and was putting them in the stove in handfuls this time.
My daughter was so happy she cried when he brought her the ring.
She's getting it resized to better fit her, so maybe it won't get lost again.
Hoarding silver and collecting history
That is a great story about the ring. Isn't it amazing when you normally do things without thinking and something tells you to look in that bag--just take a quick look.
Thanks for sharing!!!