US Mint and credit cards

I did not know this and only post it to share with those that did not know:
The credit card that is listed in your mint account at the time you place an order is the credit card the mint will charge to. If you change your credit card in your mint account later all unshipped orders are still going to be charged to the credit card account that was on file with the mint at the time of order.
The credit card that is listed in your mint account at the time you place an order is the credit card the mint will charge to. If you change your credit card in your mint account later all unshipped orders are still going to be charged to the credit card account that was on file with the mint at the time of order.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Hoard the keys.
If you look back at your old orders, you will also see that the addresses there change too!
I've spoken to 3 different US Mint representative to try and get the credit card used to purchase the 2021 Morgan & Peace dollars changed. They're telling me it can't be done once the order has been placed. WTF
Then there’s those of us who don’t have CC information showing on order. Mint sez they’ll email us to make it right 😂😂😉
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This is not good news. My card was compromised two nights ago and I am receiving a replacement card today. I guess I will try my luck with the Mint CSR's.
Maybe my 4th call will be lucky
Can you do this on the back-ordered Morgans if your credit card changed after the order was placed?
I tried once already and they said I was doomed, but might have a chance to snag one once they start shipping
if orders don't go through and some become available.
Has a shipping date been announced ?
I just spoke to Destiny at the Mint. She confirmed they will try to charge the credit card from the original order. If it fails, they will send an email requesting you contact Customer Service to "troubleshoot" the order. There is nothing they can do until the product is released for shipping.
On a wing and a prayer now....
Same here. She said they would send an email and I can call and troubleshoot.
And when Destiny speaks...
When they "troubleshoot" the order, it seems they can only re-run the original card, not new card.
I was told by a manager that once the original card is charged and denied that they will send out an email letting you know there is a problem. You will then have 48 hours to call in and fix the problem. They are aware of the credit card issue and at least this manager, through a text directly to me, stated that the troubleshooting will include a chance to change credit cards to an active one.
I just spoke to John, who after conferring with his manager, said he was able to update the credit card associated with my backordered items. He said it will take 30 minutes for the change to show up on the mints web site.
Hold your breath !
I can’t wait. You would be the first
Post the results
So far no update to the cc associated with my backordered items.
This is truly frustrating and a very poor example of how to run a business. I understand the Mint is attempting to prevent fraudulent activity but my credit card was compromised through no fault of my own and now I have to jump through circles to insure my orders remain intact.
mint officials are aware there are many orders which are missing the credit card information due to issues with their order system when the orders were placed. However, they have not committed to what is being done or will be done about it.
As always "The mint is like a box of chocolates"
I called the Mint again to relay the @levinll information. As luck would have it, Destiny answered my call (after a considerable hold time). Is she the only one who works there? I relayed the story about John and the Manager but my pleas fell on deaf ears.
I cancelled two of my open orders rather than deal with the hassle but left my Morgan/Peace orders on the books with the now defunct credit card.
Sorry. Sometimes the lesser of two evils and all that. Plus you can focus on a smaller group to manage and or reorder. Good luck 👍🏼
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John was probably just manning the phone while Destiny took a health break, then went back to sweeping the floor.
Thanks @Jzyskowski1
I dont use credit cards, but it seems life would be much easier if the mint charged the orders when they are placed.
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My credit card was compromised yesterday and had to be canceled. New card arriving shortly. On my US Mint orders page, I currently have three orders showing "processing" and three orders showing "back order". I was told that for orders showing "processing", I cannot change my card, and the order will be canceled once processed. For the orders showing "backorder", the mint will contact me by email when the original card fails. At that point, and no sooner, I will be given the opportunity to provide a new payment method.
What a friggin' headache. I really wish that they had charged my card when I placed each of the orders, and simply ship whenever they get around to it.
I'm hopeful for the backordered items, but it is likely that I will have to go the the secondary market for the processing items, once they are canceled.
- Ike Group member
- DIVa (Designated Ike Varieties) Project co-lead and attributor
Just checked my backordered orders this am. Sadly the credit card info has not been updated as promised.
I guess I shouldn't have bought that bridge either...
Can do much about the CC issues but we maybe can resell that bridge. The real estate market is hot 😂
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
Well, I know my CC info is fine... so just waiting for shipping notice....Should start shipping those CC privy Morgans any day now. Cheers, RickO
Just called the mint (again) to find out why the credit card info was not updated. I was told there is a department that can address this issue, but currently, they are not available. I should call by in 30 mninutes.
I've now called the Mint three different times since my credit card breach. Each rep has read the same script to me "you will be sent an email if your CC fails stating you have two days to resolve the issue or the order will be canceled." The rep on Saturday told me they can change credit card info for orders on hold but not for orders on backorder. I mentioned to her it will be impossible to reach the Mint once these coins are released as there as thousands of people in the same boat as I am. But my plea fell on deaf ears (again).
Just to make matters more confusing, my brother in law also had a fraud issue on his credit card and was able to call the Mint and change his information a few weeks ago. My belief is they were inundated with these requests and have changed to this new "wait and pray" policy.
This is not a good sign for things to come. Sorry about the shuffle. We’ve most all been through it with the mint.
Point well taken about how many people will be trying to get through to correct their information. I’m one of the lucky ones who has at least one issue. What would it be like to have multiples. Maybe they could resolve all at once. Problem is they came out 2 at a time.
Oh boy🤔🙀
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Similar experience here. My card had fraudulent charges on it so the CC company sent me a new one. Got through today after being on hold the better part of an hour. Then the human I spoke to said I'd have to be transferred to a supervisor to change the number, and that there are only 2 supervisors who can do this - so it "might take a while". My solution was just to hang up and let someone else have those proof ASEs.
Clarkbar. Sorry to hear that. At some point every day I wonder if I want to go through this 🤠
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