Here are my finds from the hunt..and a video

Nothing really old, a 1934 wheatie was the oldest, but there were 5 wheat cents. The tally was:
5 Silver
12 Dimes...No Silver
2 Tokens
24 Cents..with 5 being Wheaties...1934, 1942, 1952, 1954 and 1957
2 Keys and a cross-like piece of brass/copper

This is a tough place to hunt, all of the coins are typically 5 inches deep, and the olders coins are often deeper. It's an ols ballpark that has had dirt hauled in several times since it's beginning. A good place to practice though.
And here is my first motion video on this hunt...I am going to try to video every trip. I ran out of disc space on the camera, it's a digital, so I need to get more memory sticks...
Here is the link to the video:
My first attempt at a real time video and 1st hunt of 2009
5 Silver
12 Dimes...No Silver
2 Tokens
24 Cents..with 5 being Wheaties...1934, 1942, 1952, 1954 and 1957
2 Keys and a cross-like piece of brass/copper

This is a tough place to hunt, all of the coins are typically 5 inches deep, and the olders coins are often deeper. It's an ols ballpark that has had dirt hauled in several times since it's beginning. A good place to practice though.
And here is my first motion video on this hunt...I am going to try to video every trip. I ran out of disc space on the camera, it's a digital, so I need to get more memory sticks...
Here is the link to the video:
My first attempt at a real time video and 1st hunt of 2009
I use a file to keep the edge sharp, and hammer the blade flat on occasion, when it's been bent....hammering also helps to make the edge harder to bend. I have had this over 30 years now, and it does an excellent job and has never broken.
It's ugly.....but it works great!