1901 Memphis Park
Got to go hunting today for a little while. Went to the oldest park in Memphis which was established in 1901. Only got to hunt for 1 hour or less before the batteries died in the detector. The Fisher F2 isn't easy on those 9 volt batteries. I went and bought some cheap batteries but they won't work in the detector, only Alkyline batteries. I found 1 quarter, 6 dimes, 1 token, 5 pennies and two wheaties. The wheat cents came out of the ground in decent shape which suprised me as most corrode here in this area. I guess the soil in the park isn't as acidic. I figured I'd scan the two wheaties even though their nothing specail. The 1915 d is in better shape than the 1950 d, I figure the 1915 is in extra fine condition. Anyway it was fun to get out and I plan to hunt the park again this weekend and also do some relic hunting Sunday if I get a chance.
el Tesoro Cazador
el Tesoro Cazador

Digging trash and treasure since 1977
Lafayette Grading Set
What is the name(spelling) of the F2 site? Thanks, Rich
100% Positive BST transactions
the Treasure Hunter = el Tesoro Cazador
the Treasure Hunter - el Tesoro Cazador
el Tesoro Cazador
I don't think I'd buy a detector that I had to buy batteries for.