Got My JHF Roosevelt Auction Catalog Today

And I must say it along with the coins looks great. I am so looking forward to this auction.
All the coins were pedigreed to their previous owners, Myself (onlyroosies), Craig Harries
(colorfulcoins), Steve Heller (registrycoin), and Mitch Spivack (wondercoin). One of Craig's
Ex: spectacular blue toned dimes made the cover and inside cover. There are some dimes
here that haven't seen the light of day for 10 years or better.
Ronnie got his copy today. Thank you Paul Song!
He was already in it looking for his favs. So far, the 1964-D (I think that is what it was by memory) is the leader for him but he is torn between that, Christmas cartoons, and the 1' of snow we still have on the ground (and his 7'x7'4' snowfort he built mostly by himself...and a little help from the neighbor kid his own real help from dad
The catalog was VERY well done, imho. I will be taking a look at it later (already have a couple of bids in as place holders but have to really sit down to see what we may have a chance for...I would like to get him one, or a couple, from the set).
I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment
Again if anyone wants a catalog, just contact Paul Song at Superior.
Rodney Dangerfield aka Lablover
or maybe these roosies don't belong in YOUR set....
Love ya man....
rainbowroosie April 1, 2003
<< <i>No catalog today either...
I'll send you my copy if you want it.
<< <i>I'll send you my copy if you want it. >>
Lee, thanks for the offer but OnlyGoldIsMoney (Mark) is sending me the one he received.
I find humor in Mitch telling folks to contact Paul Song if they want a catalog. I did and thus far no catalog. Most surprising was the fact Paul never replyed to my e-mail. I even made mentioned of my NGC Registry Set to show my true interest in Roosevelts. What if I wanted to SELL my set in the future; do you think I would now contact Superior? I hope, for Superior's sake, no one else has had the same type of experience.
In summary, I would give him another chance.
I'll also have to stand up for Paul. I wanted a catalog for my son and Paul responded months ago and then again recently. His response was in under 24 hours.
Maybe your email is going to a junk folder, for whatever reason? Or, the Christmas holidays, as Mitch said, may have something to do with it.
I am a numismatic nobody and he responded to me, so I don't think he is ignoring you. Likely never saw your emails.
I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment
What a hard (and fun!) job it must have been to put this collection together. My dimes alone were so difficult to choose favorites from, that I originally went with a white set and a toned set just to avoid the tough "sideways" improvement decisions. But, with my two sets, Nick's set and the other beautiful Roosies I see in the catalog, I couldn't pick single standouts.
That said, there is just this one coin...
<< <i>RC: Perhaps my favorite dime in the entire catalog (surely one of my top 3) is your old coin - the 1949-S Roosie in PCGS-MS68 (with a killer strike). Certainly one of the quintessential Roosies - the "key date" when I was growing up.
Wondercoin. >>
Man ur old!
I received mine a while a go. Haven't looked at it, but only 1 time. Nice dimes!
Later, Paul.
Later, Paul.
Re your comment about the 49-S: Man ur old! Some of us were born that year...
<< <i>Re your comment about the 49-S: Man ur old! Some of us were born that year... >>
And some of us were born the year Roosies started. Yikes...
Man ur old!
I think the reserve is held until floor bidding starts. Anyone know exactly how Superior handles this.
Good for them but our hopes are a'slimmin'
I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment
Sunshine Rare Coins
P.S. What coin did you buy?
<< <i>I comfortably stand by my comment that the sale was a success and I believe Nick will tell you the same. >>
I didn't say the auction was not a success; only that 56% of the available coins did not sell. No doubt from a financial standpoint it truly was a success, and that rising tide will (should) lift all boats. There were quite a few wonderful Roosies, and I wish I could have acquired more. But, it was not in the cards this time around.
The only coin I bought was Lot 738 - 1958 PCGS MS67. Bought the coin for the reverse...had the colors one usually finds on the 58D's.
<< <i>
<< <i>I comfortably stand by my comment that the sale was a success and I believe Nick will tell you the same. >>
I didn't say the auction was not a success; only that 56% of the available coins did not sell. No doubt from a financial standpoint it truly was a success, and that rising tide will (should) lift all boats. There were quite a few wonderful Roosies, and I wish I could have acquired more. But, it was not in the cards this time around.
The only coin I bought was Lot 738 - 1958 PCGS MS67. Bought the coin for the reverse...had the colors one usually finds on the 58D's.
Jim >>
If only 44% sold it sounds like who ever set the reserve has no idea what the mrket will support. Either way, I wouldn't call this an "auction", more of price gouging
With all of the hype about this so called "auction" why have reserves, let the top top bidders fight it out to determine what the fair market value is
I'm not sure what to call it, but I wouldn't call it a success if 56% was unrealisticly price more then what the buyers were willing to pay.
high but they had to be considering there is no previous price history for Roosevelt Dimes of this quality. I was very
happy with the quantity that sold but most importantly with the various types that sold. A new price record was set
for a Silver Roosie with the sale of the 1946 MS68FB at $8600 with juice. 5 MS68FB Roosies sold with the lowest in
the mid $5K's. A slew of MS67FB's sold for multiples of the PCGS price guide. Record prices were bid for the MS68
non-FB's. Not one coin sold at or below PCGS price guide. Expect to see plenty of green in the price guide over the
next few months. Some of these dimes were one of a kind and the prices realized reflected that.
Congratulations JHF
Edited as I have decided to not address Tim's comments at all.
<< <i>I would call the auction a complete success and Mitch did a wonderful job setting the reserves. Yes, they were set
high but they had to be considering there is no previous price history for Roosevelt Dimes of this quality. I was very
happy with the quantity that sold but most importantly with the various types that sold. A new price record was set
for a Silver Roosie with the sale of the 1946 MS68FB at $8600 with juice. 5 MS68FB Roosies sold with the lowest in
the mid $5K's. A slew of MS67FB's sold for multiples of the PCGS price guide. Record prices were bid for the MS68
non-FB's. Not one coin sold at or below PCGS price guide. Expect to see plenty of green in the price guide over the
next few months. Some of these dimes were one of a kind and the prices realized reflected that.
Congratulations JHF >>
Well I suppose if your cat has kittens in the oven, you call them biscuits too?
You say "Yes, they were set high but they had to be considering there is no previous price history for Roosevelt Dimes of this quality." What a line of crap! Let’s see, a highly advertized auction by a major firm; both phone and live auction; it shouldn’t matter if there was no previous price history that is what a “true auction” would have established. The only conclusion you can draw from the facts is that for 54% of the coins there is still no valid price history.
Sorry, but no matter how you look at it, who ever priced the ridiculous high reserves has shown that they don’t know this series. A 54 percent failure isn’t even expectable at the most liberal university.
I was even high bidder on a few that ended internet auction.
Since they are still open, I can only imagine that the reserve was not met.
It is time for the price guide to go in the upwards motion.
To the other collectors of other denominations. Just remember the BIG sets
that went to auction and set records for Penny's, Quarters and Halfs.
Reserves or not, the final sale prices that where made went well above and then some anything
Pcgs had listed for price guides.
If you dont collect them, then quite complaining.
Congrats JHF and Mitch. Well put together auction.
These were the dimes that were circulating when I was a little boy. I remember collecting the 49s out of circ. They were hard dates, comparable to the 38/39-s and d Jeffersons. But they weren't as much fun to collect then as they were now, because back then the coins hadn't colored. And if they had colored and were worth a significant premium, I wouldn't have been able to afford 'em. Ah, to be young and poor again.
But young and poor is history. The set sold was the finest collect of Roosies ever put together, as of now. The 48 coins in the primary set included an amazing 45 pop tops. Six of them were pop 1/0 - the sole finest known coin. Another eight were pop 2/0. Also included were numerous NGC graded pop tops and other high-grade PCGS coins with superb toning.
The strong sales results show that quality coins still command top dollar.
Regarding the unsold coins, I was always emphatic with Mitch that I wanted strong reserves. I am more than willing to take the remaining 1/0s and 2/0s and salt them away in a safety deposit box for the next 20 years. Indeed, I still have about 3 boxes of esoteric Roosie varieties that I pull out to study and gloat over. I'll be happy to salt these pop tops away with those varieties.
I hope all you Roosie collectors enjoyed the catalog (which out here in Bangkok, I STILL haven't received), and had lots of fun at the auction.
And if you want any of the unsold coins, please contact Superior (which has a week to sell them at a slight discount to the reserve) and/or Mitch. But note that Mitch will be visiting me soon and once those coins go into my safety deposit box, they'll probably stay there until I kick the bucket. And no telling how long this fun-loving old fartski will last. So this will be your last shot at those pop 1/0s and 2/0s, hopefully for many, many years to come.
Warm regards from ...
Just Having Fun (and lots and lots of it)
Just a thought on the auction and just my 10 cents worth.......
I believe the auction was a COMPLETE SUCCESS and somewhat a failure.
These are once in a lifetime Roosevelts and I believe that the setting of records is a wonderful thing when it comes to this series, and it doesn't matter how many coins sold its a fine catalog and it was a wonderful auction. This set was a cultimation of 3-4 serious collectors personal sets in 1 over 30 years of collecting and the prices realized it. The reason I would think it was somewhat a failure is that these Roosies should have sold for tens of thousands of dollars. I remember a 1948 Franklin MS67FBL (1/0) sold north of $30,000. Why not some of these Roosies? Yes Mitch I know its an entirely different animal, but where on earth is the respect that the Roosevelt dime deserves? It should have started with this auction! Not all Roosie collectors are poor like me. There are strong players in the market that should have bid these incredible dimes up.
A 1946 pop (1/0) MS68FB Roosevelt dime with AMAZING Toning and Razor sharp hot of the press strike, for less than $10,000? Just not right in my book.
Every one of these Roosies sold for a deal in my opinion.
And Tim, I respect you very much, but you are way out of line, and I for one would like you to put a sock in it. If you want to take a crap do it some where else!
Later, Paul.
Later, Paul.
Congratulations on a great auction! Mitch did an outstanding job for you from what little I know, and Superior was top notch. You had (have) some very beautiful Roosies. If I can locate all those missing funds I once had I'll see if I can pick off another one. But, I'll enjoy the 1958 MS67 I got regardless.
Thanks for allowing us Roosie fan's the enjoyment of feasting on great eye candy and the chance to acquire a coin or two!
Best Wishes,
But, again, $115,000 in Roosies selling in one night is no small thing for this series - and, I agree, it is likely only the beginning for silver roosies. I believe we will see a $250,000+ silver dime set built in the next 10 or so years and then higher and higher in our kids lifetimes. But, without a doubt, this was the landmark sale for silver Roosies to this point in time.
If I had it my way, stupidity would be painful!
P.S. One more thing...
speaking of buying the coin and not the holder (and "reserving the coin and not holder") ...
Speaking of Craig's 1947-P MS67FB dime - I reserved the coin at $2,250 and it sold at $2,300 ($2,645 with the buyers fee and a Price Guide of $600). I reserved JHF's other 47-P MS67FB dime (a nice coin to be sure) at $650 and it failed to sell. Or, speaking of Craig's 1954-P Dime in MS67FB - I reserved the coin at $2,500 and it sold at $2,500 ($2,875 with the buyers fee and a Price Guide of $700). The other 54-P in MS67FB I reserved at $1,500 and it did not sell. I reserved coins for what they were - the special coins were gobbled up at spectacular levels to be sure.
<< <i>Or, speaking of Craig's 1954-P Dime in MS67FB >>
I saw this coin, it's super!
I was hoping, since it's my wife's birth year, someone would cut me some slack and I'd pick it up on the cheap.
There was no slack in the room.
<< <i>Craig: Your coins attacted great interest in the sale and a couple sold for huge money (like the 47-P and 54-P) because they were soooo lovely for the grade. >>
Some of us tend to forget, when looking at the price guide, that coins with fantastic color can and will make the price list look silly.
<< <i> And Tim, I respect you very much, but you are way out of line, and I for one would like you to put a sock in it. If you want to take a crap do it some where else!
Later, Paul. >>
There is nothing that I said in the two posts that was out of line. Sorry, just stating it the way it is. It is not in my nature to blow sunshine up anyone else’s backside. I can’t see congratulating someone for a successful auction when over 50 percent goes unsold.
Yes, I looked at several of JHF dime’s and they are gorgeous, several deserving of “moon money”. But this does not make it a successful auction. Yes, you could blame the economy for the poor showing but to me that is a non issue, the market will always have its ups and downs. The fair price value of any given coin is what someone is willing to pay / sale for.
If the reserve of the coin is set unrealistically high, and no one is willing to pay that much then the fair market value of the coin will not be established. When this happens for over fifty percent of the coins listed for the auction then to call it “successful” is like saying the moon is made out of cream cheese.
I think Mitch was trying to use the excuse that there was too many high end coins for a series with limited collectors to buy them all at once. I’m not sure because Mitch must have realizes the weakness of his arguments because he deleted that post. Critiquing the auction, Monday morning quarterback style, if there was a fear that the small number of collectors would not be able to buy because of limited funds at one auction, then maybe the collection should have been divided up over several auctions so the small number of collectors could have had time to refurbish their funds?
Do not take me wrong, JFH assembled a beautiful collection of Roosevelt dimes, obviously the coins that sold deserved the price realized, Mitch has a proven record of being successful with the endeavors that he has undertaken. But to say that an auction with over a fifty percent non sale rate is successful is too much of a stretch. What is next, someone who list 100 coins in an auction with only 1 meeting the unrealistic high reserve and is bought also being declared a “success”?
Again, I only posted to this thread after members declared the auction a success, I am wondering if they also would say that McCain ran a successful campaign for President too!
Now if people were honest, and if they agree that more then a fifty percent failure rate is far from successful, then they need to look at why there was a high percentage of failed auctions. One, too many high end coins of the same denomination were placed in the same auction and the small number of collectors could not afford to bid / buy them all? Or two, the reserve price set on the auctions were unrealistically high? Either way, who ever organized the sale / auction was not successful in selling the collection or even a majority of the collection. As well advertized the auction was, the length of time between the announcement of the sale and the auction itself collectors had time to raise and save funds, with all of the different avenues to participate in this auction (internet, phone, and floor).
If people want to sit back and have a lovefest by saying how successful and good job it was, again sorry but “that dog just won’t hunt”.
Again, with the large percentage that didn’t sell because of the high unrealistic reserves, the only conclusion that I can draw is one or more of the following:
a) The reserves were set by someone unfamiliar with the series and / or what the market would support.
b) There was an attempt to gouge the collectors.
c) The collection was not really for sale.
I have nothing against Mitch, but if the goal was to sell this collection by auction then that goal was less then half way met. If the goal was to see what price level the market would support, then that goal was also less then half way met. If someone wants to claim to being a “pricing expert for modern coinage” then I would expect at least an eighty percent success rate.
I do wonder if the auctions would have happened when they were originally stated that they would (September 2008), before the banking failure, if the prices realized would have been higher but no one has a crystal ball.
I forget what movie it was in when Jack Nickelson used the line “You can’t handle the truth!” so Mitch can keep on deleting his posts if he wants to but I will continue to call it the way I see it. If this offense you Paul, I am sorry for that.
The owner of the coins is very happy with the auction result, I am very happy with the auction result and most of the top silver Roosie guys in the country are happy with it . You believe it was not all that great. Fair enough.
<< <i>
I forget what movie it was in when Jack Nickelson used the line “You can’t handle the truth!” >>
"A Few Good Men", with Tommy Cruise
I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment