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What is your best Lincoln cent find with a detector?

mr1931Smr1931S Posts: 6,264 ✭✭✭✭✭
I actually know someone who found a 1909 SVDB with his detector. I've found Lincolns dated 1909 and 1914 but with no mintmark.I can remember finding only one coin dated 1932, a "D," but none from '31 or '33.I guess people really held onto their money in the '30's.

My best Lincoln find ever would be a 1924 D,extra fine but unfortunately had a green bubble of corrosion above the date.

What would your best Lincoln cent find with a detector be?

If you live in the United States and say you've never found a Lincoln cent....I'm sending the police to your house...image

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein


  • I have two Lincolns that I like...Both needed just a wash in water to clen them up...

    1909 VDB


  • First of all--Millenium--those are two VERY nice coins you have there. I sure do wish they came out of the ground like that around here in SW OK.

    I honestly don't know what my oldest Lincoln is--I think it would have to be a 1923 Lincoln. Nothing special and once again the condition was kinda ratty!!!


  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭
    That would be great, an '09SVDB... dug no less... how cool. Cheers, RickO
  • i've dug dug hundreds of wheat cents but only dug 2 1914 cents. those 2 were both dug the same week but at different locations. the first was a 1914s and the other a 1914d. another time i got 2 1909s cents in the same spot.
  • pcgs69pcgs69 Posts: 4,336 ✭✭✭✭
    Nothing too exciting date-wise... but I did actually find a blank planchet cent.
  • mr1931Smr1931S Posts: 6,264 ✭✭✭✭✭
    i've dug dug hundreds of wheat cents but only dug 2 1914 cents. those 2 were both dug the same week but at different locations. the first was a 1914s and the other a 1914d. another time i got 2 1909s cents in the same spot.

    Congratulations on finding all of these,especially the '14 D. Living in Denver, i always thought i had a reasonable chance to dig a '14 D,a coin i never found when going through rolls of cents back in the '60's. Found a '14 S in a roll once but that '14 D has forever eluded me. To me,it's the holy grail of Lincolns,a magic date,if you will.

    Not to change the subject,but i did find two Barber Quarters on different days in the same general area in Denver's City Park.The dates on these?

    1914 D and 1914 S.

    Go figure.

    Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein

  • I think I posted this here once before but it fits with the question of best Lincoln found.

    In 1985 I had gotten permission to hunt an old burned down farm house in Anza California and had been digging junk most of the day when I started working an old fence line in what would have been the backyard when I got a signal that 'bout blasted my eardrums to the next county! Since I was working and digging along an old fence line I was already thinking cache! Then I find an old Mason jar filled with socks that I know has coins in them because I can hear them rattling in the jar but I can't get the lid off! Talk about ones heart pounding a bit! I almost busted that bottle open right then and there with my knife just to see, but I calmed down finished the fence line and drove an hour to get home and then worked on the jar for over an hour to get it open all the while dreaming of pounds of silver coins, maybe some gold and whatever else one can hope to find in a buried jar. LOL, talk about having ones expectations lowered a little... 1,265 wheat pennies! Dated from 1909 to 1958 so the earliest they could have been buried was 1958 but probably a few years later after the design change (the house burned in 1965). I almost completed a Lincoln set with that find, I am missing a "lucky" 13 dates/mints to having a complete wheatie collection, there was even an '09-VDB and an '09-S, if only all those letters were on just one coin instead of being spread out over two! By far the most coins ever found in one day, not the most valuable day or even the most face value day but for shear number of coins that was my best day ever (so far) Because there's always tomorrow!

    Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Freedom is a well armed lamb contesting that vote. Benjamin Franklin - 1779

    1836 Capped Liberty
    dime. My oldest US
    detecting find so far.
    I dig almost every
    signal I get for the most
    part. Go figure...
  • DockwalliperDockwalliper Posts: 1,169 ✭✭✭
    I dug a 1909 that was so beat you could hardly read the date. A 1918 in decent shape and I too found a blank planchet in playground woodchips.
  • pocketpiececommemspocketpiececommems Posts: 5,976 ✭✭✭✭✭
    My best Lincoln is a 1914-D from a One Room School site. It does have a little green on it but it's still a 14-D.
  • My best lincoln is a 1909 S without the VDB in Extra Fine. I located it at a friends new home, it was apparently built on an old home site. My best friend dug a 1914 D in an old apartment complex once back in the 1970's.
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