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Looks like I am done with Ebay...



  • jmski52jmski52 Posts: 22,640 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I haven’t accepted paypal since Aug of 06' due to a couple of scams which cost me about 11k in false chargebacks.

    Add all this up and of course the fact that ebay goes out of their way to TELL buyers not to worry about getting negged (even when justifiably so) thereby giving them the Green light to steal our goods, file bogus chargebacks and leave negative feedback on the way out, to boot and it quickly becomes abundantly clear that Now is a real good time just to put it all in "Park"!

    Ebay doesn't ever seem to address these problems and concerns. Considering the added costs being forced upon sellers through paypal, the benefits originally offered through on-line selling have now been all but negated.

    I'm out. I'll sit tight and monitor the situation, but if I decide to sell something, ebay will NOT be my first option. Or my second. Maybe my third, but I hope never to be that desperate.
    Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally

    I knew it would happen.
  • As I buyer, I like to use e-Bay. I did not look the other day and bought a coin where the guy wanted a check. So I wrote him a check. Big deal.

    There are hundred of major dealers selling on the bay. Hani, etc.

    The stock is down due to Whitman, who is no longer there and because all stocks are down.

    24/7, the beat goes on.
    Krav Maga is my main interest.

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