American Grading Association grading service?

Since Oreville brought up the PCGS/NGC dollar sample slab topic a few days back, and was informed I have a rather rare slab type, I went through my other 'graded/slabbed' coins. Not your average slabbed coins by the major TPG's, more like the old ANACS picture/flip 'slabs' from the mid 80's (I found I have a 1938-D MS63/65 Boffalo in one of those, from May '86....pretty neat as I forgot I had it!). Aside from your typical PCI photoslabs, I came across a Peace dollar, very much 'sealed/graded' like the old ANACS I just mentioned. However, it's graded from American Grading Association, Carson City, NV. Anyone know anything about them? Thanks!
I'll come up with something, eventually.
Wow - 2008 since this was last posted??
Bought this yesterday at the ANA in Denver for $35 - couldn't resist!
Nice pick-up. There are a few varieties of this holder.
See for a free online reference for US twenty-cent pieces
Will they also grade my vacant lot prior to construction?
I have seen these at coin shows in the PNW....not common, but they show up occasionally. I was tempted on occasion, but never purchased one... Cheers, RickO