My Friend found this while metal detecting in England about a week ago

Ok guys, I'm not a metal detector, but I have several friends from a couple different coin clubs who go metal detecting.
There are a few members who are hard-core detectorists and go detecting all over England looking for goodies.
Most often they come up with bronze and silver ancient coins, but once in a while they strike gold!!!
On their recent trip to England, this group of detectors found something that I can only describe as a wonderful treasure.
They found a 1 1/2 inch tall, solid gold, statue, of what looks to be a monk or other religious figure from the 13th century.
If any of you know what exactly they found and could provide me with more information on it, it would be most appreciated.
Currently the item is being taken to the British Museum for processing to see if they want it or not.
Below is the item I am talking about:
There are a few members who are hard-core detectorists and go detecting all over England looking for goodies.
Most often they come up with bronze and silver ancient coins, but once in a while they strike gold!!!
On their recent trip to England, this group of detectors found something that I can only describe as a wonderful treasure.
They found a 1 1/2 inch tall, solid gold, statue, of what looks to be a monk or other religious figure from the 13th century.
If any of you know what exactly they found and could provide me with more information on it, it would be most appreciated.
Currently the item is being taken to the British Museum for processing to see if they want it or not.
Below is the item I am talking about:

Your friends will get a cash payment.
Then again, maybe not!
Cool find all the same
They call me "Pack the Ripper"
thats what id have to go with,got any closer pics of it? that is a very cool find
im trying to see the writing on the scroll and what is in the other hand?
dtkk, this would be one heckofa chess piece; one fit for a king.
Still no word on if the British Museum will keep this piece or not, but I'm also hedging my bets on that the Museum will keep it.
ya know,that could be,i never thought of that
What strikes me as odd is that gold is a very soft metal and I would think something of that size, made of solid gold and left buried in the ground for any significant amount of time would not have such sharply defined features and details.
Look at the definition on the scroll and how it gracefully rolls out at the bottom completely devoid of any nicks or cuts. The nose, mouth, beard and hair are all well defined. The right finger is so slim and yet is not bent or dulled but still pointing straight ahead and the fingers of the left hand are perfectly defined as well. I wonder how old the statue really is? Will be neat to hear what the musuem has to say.
Just my two heavily corroded clad cents worth.
And the GOLD pendant found by Tenn Brad:
Script reads FRCO ++SMYUNC +DEI -
<< <i>i cant get video link to work, but at least the 2 other pics show some more detail,pendant,hmmm
I did the DownLoad. Worked fine.
Also, Rube and Ricko, I have not received word back on any update as of yet.
I'll try to find out what's going on soon and report back