That is a very nice bottle DD.... tell me, do you clean those up? Or is the value better dirty? I really know nothing about bottles... Thanks, Cheers, RickO
I was told that cleaning the bottle is not always good. When they lay on the ground they get a certain toning going on in the bottle that collectors do not want removed. Nice bottle, I found some really nice bottles while working construction. Three i found were parlet and parlet company annapolis maryland indian rock ginger ale bottles. They look like bowling pins and i've had someone offer me $100.00 a peice for them. I'll have to dig them out and post some pics. does anyone else have any they have found?
I keep a census on Hawaii Error notes, Radars, Repeaters, Hawaii Stars (all denominations), Low serials, 6 of a kind, 7 of a kind, Canceled notes, AC blocks, ZB blocks, FC blocks, Uncut sheets and Late plates. If you have any information you would like to share please PM me. Thanks.
you find something of intrest.Thanks for posting.
Regarding cleaning the interior... Just pour some warm vineager in it & add some dry rice, then swish it around...
nice table-saw......oh, the bottle's alright too.
Too many positive BST transactions with too many members to list.