where Ive been....
It's been a while since I posted here and on the other forums, and for good reason.
Ive been diabetic for more than 30 years, and this past April my kidneys failed and I went on kidney dialysis.
Thats the bad news.
Dialysis wiped me out... three days a week, four hours per day, and the day after dialysis was spent in bed. It was difficult to work, and I couldn't even consider my hobby.
But over Labor Day weekend a miracle happened. I got a combination kidney and pancreas transplant. They worked 100%. I am not only off dialysis, but for the first time in more than 3 decades I no longer have to take insulin shots. In fact, Im no longer diabetic and now enjoy chocolate pudding, chocolate chips cookies, chocolate this and chocolate that and all the chocaltey stuff I havent had since I was 24 years old.
So, I plan to celebrate by getting back into my favorite hobby. chocolate brown Lincolns and Indians are out of the question, however. I had been looking at MS68 Morgans and they remain my first choice, with patterns #2.
Best, Alan
Ive been diabetic for more than 30 years, and this past April my kidneys failed and I went on kidney dialysis.
Thats the bad news.
Dialysis wiped me out... three days a week, four hours per day, and the day after dialysis was spent in bed. It was difficult to work, and I couldn't even consider my hobby.
But over Labor Day weekend a miracle happened. I got a combination kidney and pancreas transplant. They worked 100%. I am not only off dialysis, but for the first time in more than 3 decades I no longer have to take insulin shots. In fact, Im no longer diabetic and now enjoy chocolate pudding, chocolate chips cookies, chocolate this and chocolate that and all the chocaltey stuff I havent had since I was 24 years old.
So, I plan to celebrate by getting back into my favorite hobby. chocolate brown Lincolns and Indians are out of the question, however. I had been looking at MS68 Morgans and they remain my first choice, with patterns #2.
Best, Alan
Welcome back brother. Take care of yourself. I can't eat chocolate myself. I get migraine headaches when I do. Mrs curly takes care of the chocolates around here.
Please PM or call me. My 18 year old son had a liver transplant when he was a baby. The immunosuppresents caused him to be diabetic. I'm not trying to trump your story, but we never hide what has happened to Ben. We think openess will help others. We started a company with a group of doctors to build bio-artificial organs, and it's working. it's challenge, but I woulds love to chat.
I'm at 781-492-2361.
Ben is now acedemically strong, and pitching in college, so this setback does not have to stop you life, beleive me.
Puts some perspective on coin collecting, no??
Duane Blake
I knew it would happen.
Your post is 110% good news! Welcome back and I hope you resume your former level of activity!