What do you do with your commom clad?

I've saved every coin I've found except for sharpnal Zincolns, and now have about $14.00. I'm about at the point where I can buy a decent silver coin to replace the ugly pile of coins I've accumulated. Do you guys buy anything special with your clad or do you just spend it as pocket change?
I was thinking to spend my clad at the end of each year.
I was thinking to spend my clad at the end of each year.
"I'll split the atom! I am the fifth dimension! I am the eighth wonder of the world!" -Gef the talking mongoose.
i really dislike the fact it just sits there. it will probably be spent in
the future.
the silver quarter on the other hand is a long term keeper. my only silver :-(
We take out the toasted cents and knock off the crud. If it looks like a cent..it goes to the bank.
I get $25.00 to $50.00 a month in clad. It does help the gas bill ;-)
<< <i>Didn't I see you throwing away coins of less than 25 cents? >>
Yes, you did.
Lafayette Grading Set
Nice-n'-shiny or dirty-n'-crusty- it all tastes the same to a vending machine.
PS- you don't even have to buy anything, sometimes. Just put a dirty coin in the machine, and hit the coin return- it'll give you another. At least this is true with certain kinds of machines.
You can even "treasure hunt" this way. (If you're really bored and have too much time on your hands, that is).
On one slow night at a previous job, I was in the employee cafeteria at work and kept cycling a nickel through the machine to see how long it took to get an old one. I eventually ended up with one from the late 1950s.
Once (without even trying) I got a nice 1937-D Buffalo nickel out of a Pepsi machine change slot. But that was a fluke.