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4-6 WEEKS for delivery of 100oz Englehardt Bars?


  • mkman123mkman123 Posts: 6,849 ✭✭✭✭
    were are they selling 100 oz engelhard bars??

    I would love to pick one up one day and add it to my collection.
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  • mrearlygoldmrearlygold Posts: 17,858 ✭✭✭
    Dillon Gage is shorting them
  • mkman123mkman123 Posts: 6,849 ✭✭✭✭
    mrearlygold, I am not familiar with the person you stated.
    Whats the price? 1.00 over spot or higher??

    I saw a 100 oz engelhard in my area last week, I wonder if it may still be there. I'll check
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  • fcfc Posts: 12,793 ✭✭✭
    typical. everyone has sold everything they had since silver dropped.
    i am waiting on the sidelines. if you must have it now you pay a premium...
    which defeats the whole point of silver dropping. 3 dollars over spot sounds
  • SmittysSmittys Posts: 9,876 ✭✭✭✭✭
    doesn't seem like shorting them is looking very good

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