Home Precious Metals

Melbourne, FL. PM show report...

Greetings all.......

The Melbourne, FL. show is a small [40] dealer, one day, show.

Some of the same dealers at yesterdays show where here buttttttt most are different....... soooo......

Lots of 4oz and 6oz "$100" bars.... at $12.50z..... not my area of interest....[passed].

next,next,next...... ASE's.....$17 a pop.....[pass].......{this is getting tiring!!}.

next..... 2 gold 1oz maples....spot + $30...... OK-OK.... I'll take them....[call me stupid].

next....1oz gold Buffs.... $860 each...... HAAAAAaaaaaaaa [ PASS!!!!].

next, next,next,..... 1oz Gold Eagles..... spot + $50...... [pass].

next,next.... 40 1/10 oz gold eagles..... $90 each Firm....... [pass]

next..... 3 10oz SilverTowne silver die struck bars.... $130 each...... [purchased].

next,next.next ...... 1oz K-Rands.......spot + $30.......... [pass]

Ok... maybe not the smartest purchases of my life but picked up a little....

Untill the next show......... image
Silver Baron
Silver is the mortar that binds the bricks of loyalty.


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