Home Metal Detecting


Hi everyone, let me begin by saying that I live in a very old town, established in 1662 I believe, and theres bound to be plenty of history buried around here. I know of a few places that I believe may hold some nice artifacts, however some of these places are on private property. The majority of the places I am talking about are abandoned old barns, old houses, old foundations, etc. Most of these places look like they've been long forgotten. What do you guys think about detecting around these sites? I realize it would be trespassing but I honestly don't think anyone would notice or even care if I was there. I'm just wondering what you guys think about doing this, I'm not saying I'm going to but it was just an idea that floated through my head.

I do web development and freelance programming, please PM me if you need a website or web application.

Want To Buy:
Connecticut Nationals (Large and Small size)
Connecticut Obsoletes


  • I will not do it unless I make contact with a caretaker or owner. Check with neighbors.

    Good Luck

  • marymmarym Posts: 713
    I'm with Jerry on this, always get permission first! You might have to contact town hall for the owners, but it will be worth the effort. If the property appears to have been abandoned, the owners probably won't care if you detect it and give you permission without question. Mary
    Be Still and Know
  • I agree with both Jerry and Mary. The last thing you would want is for someone TO show up while you were there without permission. Maybe they wouldn't care, but then again, maybe they would. Contact the neighbors, find out if there are any farmers in the area (farmers are a GREAT source of information) who could give you details about who owns the property.

    Good luck on your quest and if you do get permission, don't forget the pictures!!!

  • Yeah, I figured that was the best route to go, but these places are in the middle of the woods so I don't think I'd run into any one lol.
    I do web development and freelance programming, please PM me if you need a website or web application.

    Want To Buy:
    Connecticut Nationals (Large and Small size)
    Connecticut Obsoletes
  • pocketpiececommemspocketpiececommems Posts: 5,976 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Private property is still private property no mater where it is. Always get permission. It only takes one detectorist messing up to give everyone a bad name.
  • ASUtoddASUtodd Posts: 1,312 ✭✭
    If it isn't posted no trespassing then go.... you have to told not to be there before you can be charged (at least that is the law in NC). I would however recommend you do a search for the owner of the property (I can do them online through our local tax office) and then contact them. I'm not advocating breaking the law but if the property isn't posted then the requirement for a trespassing charge has not been met.
  • You can get shot.........'nuff said*
  • pocketpiececommemspocketpiececommems Posts: 5,976 ✭✭✭✭✭
    ASUtodd, are you saying that if I'm in your front yard and isn't posted it's ok for me to detect until you tell me that I can't?
  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Research is the best bet.... that will tell you if it is currently owned and by whom. I have run into many of these on what is now state land in the mountains... no trouble detecting there... but if locally accessible, it is probably owned. Check it out.... Cheers, RickO
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