My detecting and posting days are over.

At age 74-1/2, I just don't have any enthusiasm for this sport any more. It has been a great 13 plus years and I wouldn't change anything I have done. Too many young whipper snappers out there doing it. So, since I am retiring from detecting, I will have nothing to report on this site and this will more than likely be my last post also. I have enjoyed the priviledge of posting here, and further enjoyed reading all the interesting posts folks have made about things they have found. I wish nothing but the best for everyone and hope everyone finds at least one gold coin. Thanks also for your kindness to this old man. I appreciate it.

Have fun in retirement young guy and if you move on to skydiving or another hobby post a link.
My TV Blog
And you can still help new people find the way to good finds.
Have Fun