Home Metal Detecting

May June 08

Pardon me while I do some catch up.

This was the only find of note from the second half of April(post- computer crash).
Another first for me. I don't get many nowadays.
1853 US 3cent.

May was rough. About a 50% skunk rate.

Strange looking horse shoe.

1907 1912 US ten cents.

A couple 1917 silvers.

Lead seal.

From a new site. These were more than a foot deep and barely made a blip. When the weather cools I plan on taking a few inches of topsoil off the area to see if anything smaller was hiding out of reach of my coil.
174? and dateless 1719-1724 Brit half pennies

Charm's candy Lincoln token

Gold ring inscribed 'Let virtue be thy guide'. All clues say this is from the early 1800s. Maker's mark, no karat weight, other finds, and a saying that was popular in the time.

1825 French Colonies, 1832 US, dateless US cents.

Buckles. The one on the left is a Double loop trapezoidal buckle c1620-1680. Found within a few feet of the Brit coppers and was just as deep.


I found these two pieces a week apart and didn't realize I had a match until I looked at the first June picture.
Exactly 3 inches long when assembled.

1864IHC, datelessIHN, 1900 dime, 1824 cent, 1882IHC,1956 dime

The 1824

Had a 4 silver/ 5 coin hole. A new silver record for me but........I also raised the bar for most coins found in one hole.....179 stinkin' Lincolns(no picture).

Buttons and misc..


Quaker bale seal.

British Royal Navy Button 1812 era.

Next round of pointy rocks.

3 inch rock knife.

Today's hunt. I got skunked this morning and came home to get out of the heat when a thunder storm came through and knocked out the electricity. The storm passed quickly and the temperature dropped so I took a drive to see if I could find some new turf. I did, and I hit it for 25 minutes before the nextwave of rain came through.

1912d US dime 1819 US cent, a flat button and 5 more acres to hammer.


  • pcgs69pcgs69 Posts: 4,336 ✭✭✭✭
    Very nice findings! May I ask what kind of detector you use?
  • WOW..What an assortment you have! Good Finds.

  • nice find mr. phut...nice finds...hh
    "see ya at the beach"
  • deadmunnydeadmunny Posts: 165 ✭✭
    excellent haul, sir. nice variety of stuff.
  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭
    As usual... awesome.... neat about the two pieces of the same arrowhead... amazing coins... Thanks for the catch-up... Cheers, RickO
  • davbecdavbec Posts: 321 ✭✭
    Very nice!
  • Great finds! I love that sharp 1917 SLQ.
    I lust for silver.
  • marymmarym Posts: 713
    Excuse me while I scream, at the top of my lungs:

    YOU SUCK!!! image

    Nice finds Tim, that 1853 US 3cent is in amazing shape!
    Be Still and Know
  • phutphut Posts: 1,087
    Thanks for the repliesimage
    pcgs69, I use a White's IDX pro with a 9.5 inch coil. Simple machine under 500, but was discontinued soon after I bought mine.
    Woohoo, Thanks Mary, I haven't got a 'you suck' in a while.
  • laserartlaserart Posts: 2,255
    You certainly deserved that "you suck", I'll second the motion. I was thinking the other day I'd like to be beside you when you get a signal with your machine and then I'd pass my coil over the same target to see if I get a like signal, before it is dug. It would be interesting to see if my detector responds in a like manner or misses it altogether and or if a minor adjustment is all that is necessary, maybe the sensitivity setting for instance.
    "If I had a nickel for every nickel I ever had, I'd have all my nickels back".
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