attn: rich people: the ultimate Vatican set?..

since i'm on Vatican City's UFN (their official coin office) subscription list, i order Mint / BU and Proof sets from them every year, and get an official, numbered, barcoded order form, which is the only way one can order directly from them.. well i already got the 2008 Mint and Proof sets.. but today i got an envelope from them and nearly passed out when i opened it and read the color brochure..
there's no WAY i can afford to buy this set for 3600.00 Euros.. (times what, €1 = US$1.55 or somewhere in that neighborhood?.. so we're talking about US$5600.00.. ) .. but i shot HUGE pictures of the color brochure, and i DO have the personalized, barcoded order form and special envelope to return it in.. so if someone wanted me to order one for them (with no guarantee of actually getting it, because they're only making 499 of these sets and the bottom of the order form, which allows me to buy ONE set, says "available until out of stock").. hey, maybe they'll be gone in one day.. who knows.. well, nah, it would get too hairy and involve someone trusting me with quite a sum of money, then place the order using my CC, mail the form back to the Vatican.. then wait and see if i actually get one, then have to pack and re-ship it to whoever paid me to buy it for them (plus my 10% commission of course)..
anyway, just thought yawl would like to see the color brochure.. i won't upload the pictures here since they're huge (i wanted to make the brochure legible, so i shot it both sides in a couple megapixels)..
but here are links to pictures of both sides of the brochure..
i guess i'll just drool on the brochure.. feel free to drool along with me.. what a gorgeous thing.. that.. i'll.. never.. own..
since i'm on Vatican City's UFN (their official coin office) subscription list, i order Mint / BU and Proof sets from them every year, and get an official, numbered, barcoded order form, which is the only way one can order directly from them.. well i already got the 2008 Mint and Proof sets.. but today i got an envelope from them and nearly passed out when i opened it and read the color brochure..
there's no WAY i can afford to buy this set for 3600.00 Euros.. (times what, €1 = US$1.55 or somewhere in that neighborhood?.. so we're talking about US$5600.00.. ) .. but i shot HUGE pictures of the color brochure, and i DO have the personalized, barcoded order form and special envelope to return it in.. so if someone wanted me to order one for them (with no guarantee of actually getting it, because they're only making 499 of these sets and the bottom of the order form, which allows me to buy ONE set, says "available until out of stock").. hey, maybe they'll be gone in one day.. who knows.. well, nah, it would get too hairy and involve someone trusting me with quite a sum of money, then place the order using my CC, mail the form back to the Vatican.. then wait and see if i actually get one, then have to pack and re-ship it to whoever paid me to buy it for them (plus my 10% commission of course)..
anyway, just thought yawl would like to see the color brochure.. i won't upload the pictures here since they're huge (i wanted to make the brochure legible, so i shot it both sides in a couple megapixels)..
but here are links to pictures of both sides of the brochure..
i guess i'll just drool on the brochure.. feel free to drool along with me.. what a gorgeous thing.. that.. i'll.. never.. own..

"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.."
- John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
- John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
Virtus Collection - Renaissance and Baroque Medals
I think many of the Franklin Mint sets in proof and otherwise were routed through some of them or at least informally spent some warehouse time...
Well, just Love coins, period.
it'd be nice if they did a Proof base metal version (in the same fancy case) for a hundred bucks.. just like the US Mint does a "poor man's" Bronze version of their First Spouse 1/2 oz. Gold coins (which are over $600.00 each).. for five bucks each.. i'd go for a "poor man's" version of this set in a NY minute.. alas, there isn't one..
- John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at
<< <i>Were identical coins struck in 2001? If so, then the mintage of 499 for the restrikes may not be that compelling. >>
They were not gold in 2001.
Virtus Collection - Renaissance and Baroque Medals
- John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
History of the US Constitution Coin Set
<< <i>What website URL would one go to to get on their mailing list? >>
as far as i know, you can't get on it any more.. it's full..
but i could be wrong..
start here:
Vatican's main home page
and see if that gets you anywherel..
also try emailing to although i thought it was (svc = service).. and there's another address on that brochure up there.. and ask if you can get on the list.. but they are VERY slow to respond, if they respond at all.. sometimes they do, sometimes they don't.. the UFN is their official coin and stamp office (scroll up and look at the huge pictures i shot of the brochure)..
or, if you want to try the expensive way.. phone them.. their number's also on that brochure.. they'll answer in Italian so you'll have to say something like "English please? hello, i need to speak to someone in English.." .. keep time zones in mind if you call..
if it IS still possible to get on their subscription list.. post here if you have any success.. i honestly don't know, but i think it's closed / full..
if it's that $5600.00 Gold Lire tribute set you were after, at issue price, i think you can probably fahget about it.. the order form stipulated the subscriber had to mail it back within ten days.. why ten days?.. i don't have a freakin' clue.. their regular, yearly order forms NEVER say that, but i always mail them back the day after i get them, so i don't get shut out.. and since it's a single-part single sheet form, i always shoot a picture of it after i fill it out and stuff it in the envelope, so i have a record of what day i mailed it.. but they DO sell out the "regular" sets every year.. almost instantly.. and the back of the yearly set order form tells you to mail it back quickly to avoid getting shut out.. the yearly Mint / BU set Mintage was upped from 60,000 to 85,000 in 2008.. yearly Proof set Mintage is still at 16,000.. the occasional single Gold coins they issue are out of my league, price-wise, so i never order those, even though they send me order forms and brochures for them..
when i got the brochure and order form for the Gold set pictured i looked it and said "cool, i want this!" until i looked at the order form and saw the price and did a quick calculation from Euros to US$.. then a bit of sorrowful weeping and an "oh well"..
- John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
<< <i>What website URL would one go to to get on their mailing list? >>
i just thought i'd come back and check if you had any luck contacting the Vatican's UFN, and if you were able to get on their subscription list, or if they responded at all, or if they did and told you the list is full and no one can get on it any more.. curious..
- John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
- John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..