In Memorium

It is with great sadness that I must tell you my beloved metal detector died over the weekend. It was a wonderful detector, with a great fondness for dimes. It might not have done well locating quarters in 3 inches of fine sand, but it would howl at a dime buried 8-12 inches under the densest of dirt. Death came quickly, being snapped in two, quickly and cleanly, by the closing trunk of a car. It is survived by it's beloved owner, Mary, and her grandson Riley who enjoyed it almost as much as Mary did. <sigh>
I will wait the appropirate period of mourning before replacing it. Which really means as soon as I can afford a new one!
I will wait the appropirate period of mourning before replacing it. Which really means as soon as I can afford a new one!

Be Still and Know
After typing that I went over an looked at how much 1 was. LOL scratch that above statement, they are still pretty high.
BTW Hello marym
Rick, mine was a mid range Bounty Hunter, plastic shaft. I probably could replace just the shaft, but the cost would most likely warrent a new detector. I was in need of one anyhow, I'm looking at this as a sign from the detecting gods.
<< <i> I'll probably be purchasing a new one over the next few weeks as long as I can justify the expense against the rising cost of energy.
Did the price of batteries go up where you live?
<< <i>Grab a CZ3D they should be real cheap now since is a 2 year old detector.
I don't know about "real cheap" but I do recommend the detector as well!
Now get a new one. That's what Stimulus checks are for.
Lafayette Grading Set
I purchased a great new bike, from a very reputable dealer, for $300.00. As much as I hate to admit this, I do far more biking (and walking & running) than I do detecting. Please don't hate me for loving exercize!
human life cannot, unless Dr Frankenstein has fired up his slab ride again
well heres to hoping you find a bigger and better replacement
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