Well looks like I may be through metal detecting

Just got back from the local city park after getting thrown out of it, the local police chief saw me detecting and stopped to give me a warning. The parks and recreation department has complained to them too many times of detectorist in the park digging holes and killing the grass and from now on there will be no use of detectors on any city property- including parks, trails etc.. I asked if there was an ordinance against it and he said they didn't need one- you couldn't do it was basically what he said. He also told me to spread the word to any other detectorists I know that the city was off limits now ( I know a couple others). This time I got a warning but he took my license plate number and did not want to see me again. This is getting to be a great country. Whats really ironic is the city park workers are about the lazy bunch of crap around- the parks are filled with shredded aluminum can pieces laying right on top of the ground (part of the reason I started using my sniper coil) and after last winters extreme snow and snow removal, most of the parks are heavily dug up this year- the worst I have seen them in the three years I have been detecting seriously. I even put some sod back in place time and again where I could lift it in the parks and haven't seen a drop of grass seed laid down by anyone in the parks, great crew they have there- maybe their the ones drinking all the beer and soda in cans in the parks in the first place. I've had nothing but positives when approached by others in the parks- usually asking what I've found or if I'm having any luck, this sucks, probably 50% of the detecting I do in a year is in this cities parks and trails. I don't usually hunt in the summer much, but rather go in the spring and fall when the soil is soft and I figure the least damage is done to any grass thats disturbed. Think I'll type off a good letter to the city paper tomorrow and thank them for the great shape of their parks and for the warning. Probably end up selling my stuff soon or at the end of the year now- this is a real bummer.
on the bright side, there are still many other places to digging. do let yourself feel restricted to parks or government controlled areas. there's always private property, residential, camp grounds, beaches etc...
the other problem could just be the techniques used when digging in grass. some people out there may just be careless and have ruined it for you and others. i used to use a "tap" and "pry" method. i used a slender steak knife and a long screwdriver with a blunt end. i would pinpoint exactly and use the driver to locate the target. it was like tapping and listening for the object. when found i would leave the driver there and cut a slit in the grass. take the driver and move it under the object and push up. this method proved easy after some practice and the grass never died. i liked to use this method alot when searching home sites. the less grass cut and dirt moved the better.
me where I should detect. Dont hang it up yet.
Good luck!
I would go to City Hall and explain the situation and ask for some type of permission in writing. You also might want to ask them if they have time to go along with you and show them how you hunt and that you aren't the one causing the damage.
It's a bum deal caused by someone who doesn't care how they leave the grounds how they found them.
Lafayette Grading Set
I'll probably wait to the fall before pressing the issue myself to much- the ground dries up in the summer and I usually hunt mainly these areas like I said in the spring and fall. Although there are several proposed park projects (mainly the removal of street sections to make the parks more green) that had hyped my interest- I hoped to get a shot at some of that old dirt, will have to wait and see, HH.
<< <i>Seeing as how I am the resident police officer here..I'll weigh on the matter. Even if there is no ordinance forbidding him from digging in the park, if the cops are asked by the Parks and Rec people to not allow that type of activity, then the person has to abide. Todd >>
I thought the job of the police was to enforce the LAW, not tell people what they can and can't do just because parks and rec people don't like a particular behavior.
If there's an ordinance against it fine, if not, the cop needs to be smart enough to tell the parks and rec people to get one and then he'll be glad to enforce it.
If there's an ordinance against it fine, if not, the cop needs to be smart enough to tell the parks and rec people to get one and then he'll be glad to enforce it.
I couldn't have said it better myself!!! Mary
Question for the resident cop. If you know that there is no ordinance or law against it how can the word of a Parks and Recs person be inforced unless a particular person is actually destroying park property?
Lafayette Grading Set
Locally I had a police officer ticket me for Criminal Tresspassing several years ago because I was fishing in a city owned pond after dark. It was about 7PM. He stated that ordinance number whatever says nobody is allowed in the park after dark. I have read the ordinance and it is posted on a sign nearby to where I was that and said nobody is allowed in the park after 10PM until 7AM, when I questioned that he said that the new Parks head told them to enforce it at dark. I fought the charge and won. The judge simply said that an officer or no one else for that matter cannot make up a law or ordinance unless it is changed following the proper processes.
Apparently, through subsequent research, we've determined that the current Parks Superintendent placed a "rule" in effect against it one year ago at the urging of the City Attorney. This prohibition is not posted, as required by law governing any park ordinance, since there IS no ordinance. On top of that, they're trying to enforce a fine for something without a law setting one or governing where the money goes!
We're still trying to figure out the best way of fighting this. So far, the FMDAC promised help from a similar situation, and then promptly seemed to have forgotten us. (Ironic, considering we're now the largest club supporting them with members all based at the same location in the nation). I have a letter into them regarding this matter again and their unsatisfactory response.