I love ebay!!

I'm currently selling an old XLT on ebay that needs some maintenance. I stated that I'd only ship it to the U.S., but had a bidder from Belarus, so I cancelled his bid and updated the listing to automatically reject bidders from outside the US. Upon saving, there's a message on the screen saying that my $24 INSURED shipping charge is high compared to similar models...
Ok, so I figured I'd check and see how high mine really is... of the 8 "Spectrum" auctions currently on there, my shipping charge of $24 is the lowest. eBay should stop trying to get sellers to offer Free shipping and trying to nickel and dime its sellers.
I love the 800 pound gorilla called eBay!
Ok, so I figured I'd check and see how high mine really is... of the 8 "Spectrum" auctions currently on there, my shipping charge of $24 is the lowest. eBay should stop trying to get sellers to offer Free shipping and trying to nickel and dime its sellers.
I love the 800 pound gorilla called eBay!
Perhaps he may have had a tip on where the lost jewels of Anastasia were buried?