Home Metal Detecting

Back to the one room school site

pocketpiececommemspocketpiececommems Posts: 5,976 ✭✭✭✭✭
I went back to the one room school where I found the clay marble at the end of March. This field had been fall tilled and we've had about 8 inches of hard rain on it since then and no corn has been planted yet. I was hopeing to find some arrowheads there too. Boy was I rewarded. 4 whole arrowheads, one white button, one piece of slate pencil and one 1864 Indian head penny. It's got some crud on it but hopefully it will come off. All of the arrowheads had just a portion sticking out of the ground so it was nice to pull out a perfect one. I hope to get some photos this time before the end of May.

This is also the site that I found the 1903 dated gold ring 3 years ago.


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