I weathered the storm...This is what I found

When I got up this morning, (Saturday, 4-26-08) it was 31 degrees and it was snowing. Typical of Springtime in the Rockies in Colorado. I went to three school yards and this is what I found. Nothing exceptional.....
8 Quarters
10 Dimes
7 nickels
21 Pennies
The other items are: a house key, a metal letter D, two play bullets, a button, and a metal star.
I was glad to get back home and have a cup of dandelion leaf tea.

8 Quarters
10 Dimes
7 nickels
21 Pennies
The other items are: a house key, a metal letter D, two play bullets, a button, and a metal star.
I was glad to get back home and have a cup of dandelion leaf tea.

The greens are not as bitter in Spring when they are young. They tend to get more bitter as they grow older. NOT TO WORRY. Just take the amount of greens you need for a cup, put them in a sealable plastic bag, and freeze them. Freezing takes away some of the bitter taste. I have 5-6 bags frozen right now. My wife even likes dandelion leaf greens tea.
The dandelion flowers make a good snack when cooked too. If you would like to try that, I will post the
recipe. Just let me know. The dandelion greens are good in salads also. As are many other weeds and flowers. Sweet vidalia onion dressing really tops off the salads I think. The next time I make a "weed" salad, I will post a picture of it. It will make you hungry. With most all my weed salads, I add "normal" stuff too. Like celery, walnut pieces, manderen oranges, pices of onion, carrots just to name a few. I like to add different cheeses too. The cattail shoots are the best when in season. About another month and they will be ready to pick.
Fill your tea cup with petals from your favorite rose, add the boiling water, and voila...another good cup of tea.
Grab a handful of tulip petals and eat them as a snack. They taste like baby peas. They are better when the tulips first start to bloom. Eat pansies, violets, violet leaves, day lillies and on and on and on. One of the better tasting flowers are nasturtiums. They have a peppery taste to both leaves and flowers. My absolute favorite is borage flowers and leaves. They have a cucumber taste to them. (Borage leaves make good tea too.)
Hope I have not bored you too much with all of this. Ken...the MDH
Thanks again for giving me good information... no, not boring at all. I appreciate the information.. would love to see a picture of your wild salad. Will make an effort to try the tea as well. I have eaten nasturtium flowers, but not tried some of the others. Thanks again.. Cheers, RickO