Yesterday's Finds
My uncle (tjkampis) and I went back to the property where I found the Beulah token. It has two houses on it, both built in the 1920s. Our first trip proved unsuccessful as he found 12 cents and I found 49 cents including a 1918 Wheatie. This trip wasn't much better, although my uncle did find this cool military button:

Can anyone date the button?
I only came away with 13 cents and this Alabama Tax Token:

I know you can't tell much from the scans. What is the best way to clean aluminum?
Can anyone date the button?
I only came away with 13 cents and this Alabama Tax Token:
I know you can't tell much from the scans. What is the best way to clean aluminum?
I lust for silver.

<< <i>What is the best way to clean aluminum? >>
Naval Jelly Rust Remover works great on aluminum tokens. But be careful, it's highly corrosive stuff and you don't want it on there too long.
Also, not sure about the date on the button, but my guess would be WWII.
If you can post what is written on the back, one of the button experts may be able to narrow it down for you.
go to this web page to find/date your button.
back marks