Today's finds--12 April

Okay, so here are today's finds. I went out to a couple of places that I hadn't been too before. The first is a park in town, (not too old, but I thought there might have been some activity there) where the finds were sparse. After staying an hour or so, I decided it was time to leave. Headed over to the high school and hit an area that I hadn't been too before. I was working my way back and forth, picking up coins left and right. There were plenty of coins to be found there (all clad of course) and I was doing pretty well. I had made my way back towards the vehicle and I took a quick look at my watch. I could stay another 30 minutes or so, and I headed back across this small area. About six inches down, I get a signal of a quarter on the GTI 2500 and I'm thinking silver. I dig the hole and turn the plug to find a Chinese 5 Yuan coin. Well, it was silver afterall. You see, this coin is part of a coin ring, the coin is silver as well. I checked the ring out real quick to realize that it was bent pretty bad and would need some adjustments at a later time. I stand up, put the ring in my pocket and start swinging the detector again. About 3 feet (and the very next signal after the ring) I get a 1c/10c reading. It jumps back adn forth for a couple of swings and settles on the 1c at 5 inches deep. I cut my plug, flip it over and another silver ring. This one was also bent--but at least it's silver. The rest of the day was uneventful bringing home just over $6 in clad and these two keeper rings.
Here are a few pics.
Thanks for looking.

Here are a few pics.
Thanks for looking.


edited to add: Nice finds BTW. I must forget my manners when I am jealous.
Hoarding silver and collecting history
Intocoins--I was using my Garrett GTI 2500--Most of the time, but not always, silver will ring in at the location it should--silver rosie--10c, silver wash--25c, etc. Some rings will ring in at the 25-50c reading. Alot of it will depend on depth, soil condition, SIZE of the ring, etc. Larger rings tend to ring higher on the scale--25-50c reading while smaller rings will show up at 1c or even where the zincolns come in at. Also, sometimes you will find that a ring close to the surface will cause the machine to go "crazy"--bouncing back and forth between 10-50c readings. If you dig everything, you never have to worry about missing something
As far as not finding any "keepers" because you are only hunting new playgrounds--I've seen pics of rings, jewelry, even silver coins found in playgrounds. If people carry it, wear it, use it; some always tend to loose it. That's were we come in to FIND IT!!!!
Thanks again,