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"500", a different take on the milestone.....OK, add coin pics to speed this up!! Grades i

bumanchubumanchu Posts: 1,383 ✭✭✭
I have been posting and lurking on these boards for 5+ years and have just now reached the milestone of 500 posts.........

1. I have found much useful and enlightening information on these boards.

2. I have on many occaisons decided not to reply to posts just because it wouldn't be worth the hassle of defending a comment......apathetic? Not really.

3. I thought about a giveaway......many of you will say thanks for the opportunity and "enter me" in the drawing even if there isn't one!! Too funny!!

4. PCGS is not perfect, especially in regards to fees and not resolving associated issues properly, but who wants to go through all the trouble for the measly amounts usually involved? And yes, they have done it to me more than once, but I'll be all right. Their opinion on my coins has added value to them.

5. I am by nature a smart A$$, and if I had posted in response to many threads, accordingly, as is my natural inclination, I would be at the 10,000 + level for sure!!

6. There is a mild "cliquey" nature present, especially with regards to the "you suck" awards. So be it. Be happy with what you collect and with your good fortune, if you are so lucky .....affirmation from others can bolster your ego, but it is not requisite.

7. There are many people on these boards that I perceive to be "good people", they are to be commended.

8. There are "jerks" also, they help shed light on who the good people are!! Thankfully, the jerks are few in number.

9. There are "know it all's" and there are "nibwhips"(what my middle child used to say instead of nitwit) and everything in between, where I find myself....no comments from the peanut gallery, please.

10. And lastly, mainly because I am tired of typing.......just think, I could have spread this all out over several posts and really given my post count a shot in the arm.

P. S. Giveaway: Ok, I'll do one, a 1998 PCGS "Wide AM" Lincoln Cent, I have ten at PCGS right now, and the lowest graded one will be the prize. I submitted the very first ones PCGS ever graded and also had the top 5 MS67RD's before I sold them. (Aren't I special?)

P.S.S. The winner will be the person that posts the 500th post on this thread.......it may take a while.

P.S.S.S. Grades in.....It appears the "Wide AM" designation is not on the list, but if the certification # is entered in the PCGS certification lookup it is there.


Order #20176564 / Submission #9087394
Line # Item # Cert # PCGS No. CoinDate Denomination Variety Country Grade
1 1 12806619 83148 1998 1C US MS64RD
1 2 12806620 83148 1998 1C US MS64RD
1 3 12806621 83148 1998 1C US MS64RD
1 4 12806622 83148 1998 1C US MS64RD
1 5 12806623 83148 1998 1C US MS64RD
1 6 12806624 83148 1998 1C US MS64RD
1 7 12806625 83148 1998 1C US MS65RD
1 8 12806626 83148 1998 1C US MS64RD
1 9 12806627 83148 1998 1C US MS65RD
1 10 12806628 83148 1998 1C US MS65RD
1 11 12806629 83148 1998 1C US MS64RD
1 12 12806630 83148 1998 1C US MS64RD

SpaceMonkey, congratulations! You are the winner!
And I ain't lying this time.


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