Home Metal Detecting

Update (pics from sundays hunt )Pics from April 4th and 5th outing

Found some coins Friday after work. Nothing of real value. Total .23 cents.

This nickel is a 57'

This nickel is a 71'

The only Wheatie for Friday was a 1950

The sun had set and it was starting to get dark so on the way back to the truck I was still
swinging the coil but at a little faster pace. My son says "hey dad look behind ya". We had
three curious followers. Thats just another bonus that falls upon you when detecting out
in the woods. It made for a memorable end to the evening.

Made it back out around 9 am Saturday.
For myself I found two wheaties in the same hole. A 1919 and 1929. that really made my day.
And for my son his first silver of the year and our first Merc ever. I've been wondering when one
of these would finally pop out of the ground. It was a really good find for him. Helps him keep an
interest in the hobby.

Here is sundays find
Yes it's another merc. Cleaned it when I got home and couldnt beleive it is the same year
as my sons merc. So I posted them together or you guys would not beleive me. Mine is on the
right. Pic is kinda blury but the coin is in really nice shape.


  • marymmarym Posts: 713
    Hey Dav, the medal and the merc cleaned up very nicely. I really like the scenic shots too, thanks for taking us along on your outing. image
    Be Still and Know
  • way to go davbec!
    and congrats to your son on his first silver of the year too image

    how many did he get last year?... and what's on his find wish list?

    Tell him I'm rooting for him and enjoy hearing about your guys' adventures!

  • Good recoveries ! That medal did clean up nice, and I never get tired of finding silver dimes! image
  • love them mercs...nice going...hh
    "see ya at the beach"
  • davbec......Great finds. Out in the woods no less. I think it is really great that your son accompanies you and enjoys the hobby too.

    In more than thirteen years now, I have found two mercs. It is an awesome feeling to see one of them come up out of the hole. What did you use to clean the merc? Continued success....MDH

  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Great finds Dave.. .and a good day out with your son... the deer are a bonus... Cheers, RickO
  • davbecdavbec Posts: 321 ✭✭

    << <i>how many did he get last year?... and what's on his find wish list?

    Tell him I'm rooting for him and enjoy hearing about your guys' adventures! >>

    He found a 1954 Rosie last year. As far as his wish list goes, he is just happy finding
    coins. Neither one of us are coin collectors. I just get a rush out of diggin them out
    of the ground. It's exciting.
  • davbecdavbec Posts: 321 ✭✭

    << <i>davbec......Great finds. Out in the woods no less. I think it is really great that your son accompanies you and enjoys the hobby too.

    In more than thirteen years now, I have found two mercs. It is an awesome feeling to see one of them come up out of the hole. What did you use to clean the merc? Continued success....MDH >>

    To clean the merc I used dishsoap-water and a soft toothbrush. The dirt up here in the woods is such a rich black dirt. It's not
    packed hard its rather soft and easy to dig. Alot of the silver I pull out is fairly good condition.
    The fun thing about detecting in the woods here is, if you get a coin signal its a good chance at being something old.

  • looks like a serene place to hunt. Nice finds and a big image to the lad and his Merc!
  • goossengoossen Posts: 492 ✭✭
    great finds! image
    My coins with pictures: http://www.paraguaycoins.com/
  • guitarwesguitarwes Posts: 9,270 ✭✭✭

    Cool finds and nice pics of your "curious followers".

    @ Elite CNC Routing & Woodworks on Facebook. Check out my work.
    Too many positive BST transactions with too many members to list.
  • crispycrispy Posts: 792 ✭✭✭
    Great pictures and finds. Looks like it was a lot of fun. Congrats to your son on finding the merc.
    "to you, a hero is some kind of weird sandwich..."
  • Great finds there. You gotta love digging up those Mercs!!!!

    Very nice finds and great pics.


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