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Headstamps on centerfire shotgun shells, with dating info, etc.
Maybe now I won't hate finding these so much, if I'm able to date them.
I found my "Robin Hood, 1903" shotgun shell in there. I kept that one because it was actually dated.
I might not be so fast to throw these out, now.
Geez, I just I dug one the other day.
I find as many vintage shotgun shell heads as I do pulltabs, I think. That's only a slight exaggeration, too. Truly, I do find almost as many of them as I do pulltabs. I don't dig a ton of pulltabs, though. I have gotten good at leaving them behind (and no doubt a few gold rings in the process, haha).
Maybe now I won't hate finding these so much, if I'm able to date them.
I found my "Robin Hood, 1903" shotgun shell in there. I kept that one because it was actually dated.
I might not be so fast to throw these out, now.
Geez, I just I dug one the other day.
I find as many vintage shotgun shell heads as I do pulltabs, I think. That's only a slight exaggeration, too. Truly, I do find almost as many of them as I do pulltabs. I don't dig a ton of pulltabs, though. I have gotten good at leaving them behind (and no doubt a few gold rings in the process, haha).
If I'm reading the info right, that means this is a shell from prior to 1911 when the company merged with Remington, thought it looked old when I found it- now if I could just remember where exactly I found it!